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Author Topic: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?  (Read 8154 times)


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Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« on: July 29, 2012, 11:04:51 AM »
Over the past year, I've seen a significant drop in my speed-from 18.3 mph to 15.5.  Strangley, my rev rate has stayed the same.  I've tried holding the ball higher, higher backswing and even moving further back on the approach and it's not getting me back to where I was...

so, whoever has made the change-how has it worked out so far?  Most importantly, have you seen any changes in hitting power/deflection?



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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2012, 11:26:28 AM »
 the drop in weight had no impact on my ball speed, but I have always been a lower/medium speed player, aroung 14.5-15mph.

 14lb balls hit just as hard as 15's do, but you will notice some difference on the "bad" shots.

 The really flush hits still look exactly the same, and sound that way as well, but the "off" hits that require a bit of pin action, or the bad release that lets the ball deflect too much, will be where you notice the difference.

 My average stayed the same over the long run.

 Some people say that the 14lb balls seem to hook more than the 15's did, qnd it seems to make sense due to the cover having the same friction and the lighter ball having less momentum, but if so, I never really noticed it.
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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2012, 11:49:52 AM »
Well stated.  I dropped from 15 to 14.  If you don't have a higher rev rate, your light hits can be interesting leaves.

the drop in weight had no impact on my ball speed, but I have always been a lower/medium speed player, aroung 14.5-15mph.

 14lb balls hit just as hard as 15's do, but you will notice some difference on the "bad" shots.

 The really flush hits still look exactly the same, and sound that way as well, but the "off" hits that require a bit of pin action, or the bad release that lets the ball deflect too much, will be where you notice the difference.

 My average stayed the same over the long run.

 Some people say that the 14lb balls seem to hook more than the 15's did, qnd it seems to make sense due to the cover having the same friction and the lighter ball having less momentum, but if so, I never really noticed it.


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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2012, 11:58:21 AM »
Approx 6 years ago I dropped from 15# down to 14# with excellent success and results. Then approx 1 1/2+ years ago, I decided to try 15# again, and it worked great for a year, but as health problems began setting in and before being forced to quit bowling for the rest of year recently, I went back to 14# and this time it was a total bust.
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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2012, 12:04:28 PM »
I went down quite a few yrs ago,and if you depend on the wt of the ball to make your swing work correctly,you will notice the difference in swing wt. It messed with my timing some and i had to work with that but as far as hit etc I had a little more deflection but not much. It was an advantage on some shots an a disadvantage on others,so it all evened out. I have tried to go back a couple of times but my wrist just won't let me.


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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2012, 02:35:20 PM »
I can understand and appreciate why everyone's results may be different, but for me it was a great move. My initial concern was increased deflection, but in the final analysis I gained a little speed and a few more revs, so the deflection has not been an issue in any way shape or form. What was previously said is true however, it can be a little bit better on some shots, and perhaps a little worse on others. However, I have absolute confidence now in 14 pound equipment being able to do the job, and I appreciate the increased angle I get from the rev increase more than I personally notice any weird deflections.

One final note: it will mess with your timing a little bit, so I would pay attention to that possibility. I personally have found that I can go back and forth between 15 and 14 with little impact, but I do have to be more cognizant of my speed when I'm throwing 14. I have both weights in my arsenal now, and as long as I start the night one way and don't go back and forth between weights constantly that night, I have not personally noticed any issues.

Bottom line, I could not be happier that I opened my eyes to the potential of dropping a pound.

Good luck with whatever you choose.


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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2012, 05:37:24 PM »
hey evil i also made the move to 14 last year mid my case i chose a 14 lb crossroads and couldn't be happier within 3 months of switching i shot 290,(2)300's and a 840 series with having such an awesome ball helps but physically made a huge difference i avg 15 to 16mph and upper 300 revs but what i like the most i can amp up the speed when needed that i couldnt do previously due to physical limitations.i have noticed that my swing is alot more fluid as well which makes shot repitition so much easier!!!!!


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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2012, 07:07:12 PM »
I dropped from 16 to 14 recently. I see no significant difference in ball performance. My hip thanks me after every outing. No more pain. No more Advil. Like one of the posters said the good and bad breaks balance each other out.

My biggest problem has been caused by my decision to also stop using my Robby's Revs wrist brace.  That is taking some major getting used to. I am having to learn how to release the ball all over again. 


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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2012, 07:58:15 PM »
You  can also find some good deals on 14lb equipment too on Ebay.  Ok, now to get slammed....

iced earth

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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2012, 09:35:58 AM »
Over the past year, I've seen a significant drop in my speed-from 18.3 mph to 15.5.  Strangley, my rev rate has stayed the same.  I've tried holding the ball higher, higher backswing and even moving further back on the approach and it's not getting me back to where I was...

so, whoever has made the change-how has it worked out so far?  Most importantly, have you seen any changes in hitting power/deflection?

If your speed dropped that much in just a year, the problem is almost certainly mechanical.
Sounds like your timing got early somewhere. Let the ball float at the top of the backswing, get your slide foot to the line, kick the box with the trail leg and let gravity do it's thing. It's hard to throw it hard without slightly late timing.


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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2012, 09:49:50 AM »
I dropped to 14lb and didn't notice any problem with hitting power or deflection! I leave as many 9 pins on pocket hits as I did with 15lb. The thing that I noticed more is that I get a lot more messengers than I did with 15lb. If you look at the core strength for 14lb compared to 15lb, the RG is usually higher and DIFF. lower. The 14lb is easier to get through the heads and I think helps me with ball speed when I bowl tournaments, where I have to bowl about 10 games. Just my $.02, Bruce
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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2012, 10:32:19 AM »
I dropped about 3 years ago.  Wish I had done it a lot sooner.  I feel like I have so much more control over the ball.   It feels a lot more effortless.  Like everyone else has said, it didn't increase my ball speed like you would think.  I didn't lose any carry.  I feel my lighter shots carry better.  Todays balls have so much hitting power .  It's worth giving it a try.  Good Luck!!! 


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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2012, 02:06:29 PM »
i dropped from regular fingertip to the sarge grip and from 15 to 14.. took me a little while to get accustomed to it, bur it feels great now.. less strain on my finger, less strain on the arm.. Nice being able to bowl long hours again and not be in pain.

some of the technical specs vary from weights like some have previously mentioned, but this is something you can dicuss with your driller when it comes to layouts.

hope you get enough positive feedback to give it a shot!

good luck!


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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2012, 03:50:14 PM »
Thanks everybody.  I am mainly considering this due to my wrist.  I took a year off back in 2006 the first time I injured it, and now it's flaring up again really bad. 

found an NIB original theory for cheap.  Always wanted to throw one.  Hopefully I can test it this weekend.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 04:06:37 PM by Xcessive_Evil »


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Re: Anyone ever make the drop from 15 to 14 lbs?
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2012, 09:58:57 PM »
Still throwing 15, but I think the same principles apply when dropping from 15 to14 as going from 16 to 15.  Most people see increased rev rates when they drop down, and this as much as anything allows the carry to stay up.  I have know some pretty good shooters who scored very well with 14 lb equipment.