I bought this manual (I call it that because that is what it is) and have read in several times. I spent ~35 for it shipped. Here is my review:
From my perspective, there is alot of information. Most of it I already knew and or do. However, seeing it in printed form and in a logical orderly presentation has really helped me logically apply wath I was doing. As well there was some surpizing information supplied that was done both by Joe and USBC. I dont want to give away his information so I am not going to talk about what is in the book in detail.
However, the first time through I put the book down and said to myself..."hmmm not worth the investment"... but then I went to the lanes to bowl... and I needed more rev's and I remembered how logical his information was presented and I tried his suggestion. Well it worked pretty good. So I went back and reread the manual... and in the past seceral weeks, I have had 3 chances for 800, I have had a 300 game and the front 9. My averages this late in the season have gone up, 3 pins in one league and 4 in other.
Now do I honestly believe and give credit to this manual... NO. But do I believe that there is very usualy information contained... yes. And without a doubt, no matter what level of bowler you are, this is information contained and presented that you will use. I have gone through this information like 5 times and the more I do, the more I find myslef analyzing my shots and using his methods. I dont know... it just seems to help.
Anyone else have a review?