Week #5: Chameleon
B/G Centaur
Silver Streak SE
BW Bite
I was probably most nervous about Chameleon. It's been my favorite pattern at the other houses I've done PBA leagues at, but it's normally the hardest and this house plays different from the others. Normally, this plays right up the ditch with the Centaur. Not here. Way too slick unless you point it up hill. Had an OK look with the Centaur pretty straight up the track area, but anything the slightest bit fast or wide didn't sniff the head pin. I keep thinking I'll find a place for the SS SE, but not so far. As always, well just about, I turned to my trusty Bite. The ball reads the PBA patterns really well.
First game starts off really nice. Playing 10 at the arrows out to 6/7 at the break point. A little wide has some recovery and in a little is only a 4 pin, so I should be lined up right. Spare, double, spare, 4 in a row makes anyone feel good. The only blemish was chopping a spare in the 10th for a 222.
The second game was a disaster. The lanes transitioned a little, but a comedy of errors killed me. I wasn't striking at the beginning, but was at least covering the spares. Then I dump one wide for a 1-2-4 which I chop the 1-2 from the 4 for like the 20th time in a row (have to find a new angle to throw at these), next frame flag a 10 pin, then apparently my thumb suddenly shrinks and I chunk one in the gutter. A piece of tape for the spare helps immensely, but a solid 7 gives me three opens in a row. A putrid 152 is the result.
The next pair gives me a chance for redemption. It's fresh since I'm post bowling from being out of town. No reason not to move back to where I started since there's been no traffic. First shot jumps through the face for a Greek Church. Go ahead and move in 2 and 2 like I did after the first game transition and leave a 2-4-8-10. Nice start. I go ahead and move in the 2 and 2 on the first lane and move back right on the second. Pretty solid after that, but can't really put anything together, but a 180 after open open on a PBA shot is OK.
The last game both lanes start to hook early, so I moved in another 2 and 2. I chopped a 3-6 and had two pocket 7-10's (one on each lane) from the ball being a little late coming into the pocket. I finished strong with a 4 bagger for a decent 191. Without the chops and the 7-10's, it could have been a decent set.
Again, I post bowled, so I don't know the results of the first match. I bowled the secretary/lane man and he said I beat him both games of the second set.
222 (W) 152 (W) won totals
180 (W) 191 (W) won totals
186 average on Chameleon, still at 182 for the league.
That's once through each of the patterns so far. Cheetah I'll be more ready for next time. It plays
much shorter than the other houses I've seen it at. I still have some work left for Viper. Apparently I didn't read the transitions well at all. I actually feel good about the longer patterns. Even though I'm averaging less so far this year, I feel like I'm bowling better. Last year when I missed a shot, I
really missed it, so my counts weren't good, but the spares I left were easier. This year, I'm in the pocket much more. Hopefully I can translate that into better scores soon.
Updated standings after getting this week's standing sheet.
Penn State ProudRon Clifton's Bowling Tip ArchiveEdited on 6/27/2009 10:06 AM