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Author Topic: Anyone in Chicago, Lansing or Detroit area interested in lessons from Ron Clifton?  (Read 2485 times)

Magic Carpet

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I will be doing a one day clinic in Plano Illinois.  Just outside of Chicago on Saturday August the 7th. This will be a group lesson for 8 hours and the cost is only $120 including lineage. I think there is a spot or two open if anyone from this board is interested.

I think I will also have some time Friday after 3 PM for some private or small group lessons. The cost for private lessons is $120 for 2 hours not including lineage.
$200 for ($100 each) for 2 people for 2 hours…but I am not a clock watcher if I don’t have to be.

I will also be visiting Jackson Mi. (just south of Lansing) so if there is anyone in that neighborhood wanting help let me know. I am somewhat flexible in where I go.
As always private lessons are “ 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed” or don’t pay me a dime.
My email address is
Ron Clifton



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Ron, since you are going to be in the upper midwest, is there any chance you could make it down into the St. Louis area? Would really like to work with you.

Bowlers Alley Nick

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You gonna make your way anywhere near Connecticut?
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose


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nothing bad meant by this but seriously who is Ron Clifton? I see his name on here but honestly who is he?


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Ok, thanks for the reply. CJ


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CJ, check out his tip page:

I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Having just had lessons from Ron, I can say he is quite good.  He works within your game to correct faults that are inhibiting your ability.  I know if I lived in NC, I would be over to his place once a month for fine-tuning.  I will be trying to arrange for Ron to stop by AZ again next year if he is up to it.

I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.

Magic Carpet

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I responded to your email.

I can’t make St. Louis this trip but you can organize a Ron Clifton 3 day Clinic for your town. It is the cheapest way to learn the most. Here is a link to a page on my website that gives the details.

Bowlers Alley Nick,
Read what I said to JVan19, I would love to come up to Connecticut and do a Clnic.

HI CJ nice to cybermeet you!!
Don’t feel bad lots of people don’t know me. If you go through my website you can lean a lot about me. You can read the 30 or so instructional articles I have written to get a small glimpse of what I know about throwing balls. Like everyone on the ballreviews board I hope to meet you one day. (Maybe at my yearly ballreviews gatherings if you can’t make it to a clinic.) Even if you don’t buy lessons you can stop by and say hi if I am in your area.

Oh by the way anyone that sees me can get free samples of Ron C's Magic Carpet.
I am looking forward to meeting more BR people!!


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Ron, sent you a msg.

Gene J Kanak

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Ron sounds great and all, but I want lessons from O. That guy can throw the hell out of a ball!
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?


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I'll teach you a lesson alright.

Edited on 7/14/2004 12:30 PM

Magic Carpet

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Answered PM


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Ron, thanks for the reply and the info on the clinic. The clinic sounds like a very good idea. I should be able to get a clinic organized fairly easy here. I will send you an e-mail when I can get some dates together. Thanks again.