I responded to your email.
I can’t make St. Louis this trip but you can organize a Ron Clifton 3 day Clinic for your town. It is the cheapest way to learn the most. Here is a link to a page on my website that gives the details.
http://www.bowl4fun.com/ron/clinic%20org.htmBowlers Alley Nick,
Read what I said to JVan19, I would love to come up to Connecticut and do a Clnic.

nice to cybermeet you!!
Don’t feel bad lots of people don’t know me. If you go through my website
www.bowl4fun.com you can lean a lot about me. You can read the 30 or so instructional articles I have written to get a small glimpse of what I know about throwing balls. Like everyone on the ballreviews board I hope to meet you one day. (Maybe at my yearly ballreviews gatherings if you can’t make it to a clinic.) Even if you don’t buy lessons you can stop by and say hi if I am in your area.
Oh by the way anyone that sees me can get free samples of Ron C's Magic Carpet.
I am looking forward to meeting more BR people!!