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Author Topic: Anyone in Path of Towson have events going on?  (Read 515 times)


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Anyone in Path of Towson have events going on?
« on: July 30, 2004, 02:58:12 AM »
We can go either down turnpike to 95 from PA or out towards Lancaster and down the back way from home to Towson.
I love meeting folks, son loves bowling.

Checking out the Greenway thing but it's opposite direction for us.
But if we visit Glenn Burnie again, heck what's a few more miles.

The Maryland Beltway thingy messes our minds up!! Weird get on and go east or west, and sometimes you go same direction to go back!!! We're used to one road only going one direction, that circle type beltway, WOW!!!
Give us turnpike or 78, we're close to both.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!


Bill Thomas

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Re: Anyone in Path of Towson have events going on?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2004, 09:36:35 PM »
For details on the Greenway event go to the Northeast Region board on this sight.

One way to get to Greenway from Towson, take the Baltimore Beltway (695) towards Glen Burnie.  When you get to the Baltimore Washington Parkway (295) go south towards Washington.  Stay on 295 to Route 100.  Take 100 east to Route 175 (Telegraph Road) south towards Odenton go about 5 miles (you will pass under Route 32) and will see Greenway Bowl on the right just past the Rte. 32 underpass.  Go to the first road and take a right and keep right around the back of the bowl.  For more info and a map on Greenway go to

Remember this is a one squad, handicap, singles tournament at 7:30 PM, Friday, August 6.  The entry fee is $20.00 (cash only). You will bowl 4 games across 8 lanes on a sport compliant lane pattern.  If interest is sufficient we will run some $5 and $10 brackets.  Payoff will be as soon as scores can be tallied and certified upon completion of bowling.  You must bring your ABC/WIBC sanction card showing your average for the 2002-2003 season.  Handicap shall be 80% of 210 with a maximum of 40 pins per .

Hope you and your son can make it.  If you do please take the time to intoduce yourselves.

Bill Thomas
Tournament Manager