Has anyone had the bad experience of balls being stolen during a tournament between sessions?
Someone walked off with my sons 3 ball bag and 3 balls in it. Had his name and stuff on a tag from going another trip. He shot a 289 the squad he qualified with one of the balls. Crappy thing to do whomever it was.
I just got back from a vacation, my idea was to contact the police in the area, he has all the serial numbers on old tournament sheets.
He was wondering if anyone stupid enough to bowl a tournament or earn a award with them would send those numbers into ABC and maybe in the future it'd come back on the guilty party?
He was ready to retire the one ball, it was a special plastic that helped him win some money because of the spares, another he bowled his highest series with, and the other was fairly new.
I'm kind of tempted to call and put up a reward for their return, but that kind of seems silly.
Fortunately they didn't take all his stuff, he beat the next 3 guys and won more than what they stole. That makes me really proud of him. Some may have been luck, but he hung in their. A lot of folks would've been too bummed to bowl.
Any been there done that type stories? Must be others had it happen to them.