I'm wondering if there's any way to combat this problem or if others have the same problem. I bowl in a juninior league every saturday morning. Practice starts at 9:30 for 10 minutes. Bowling, for score, doesn't start till approx 10!!! that's right, we have about 20 minutes of announcement between when practce ends and scoring begins. Is this not ridiculous? Forget about staying loose or even remembering where your line is. They may as well not even have practice.
Does anyone else have this problem and how do you combat it? I ask the league secretary to do announcements before bowling, but she claims no one will show up until the time the lanes usually come on. I understand that it's 3 junior leagues and they want to recognize everyone's achievments in all the leagues. But it definetly hinders bowlers performance in the first game.
rant off
When all else fails, become a lefty