Anyone out here run a tourney and allow virtual doubles?
Little background, we run a tourney twice a year, once in april once in October, it’s a mixed doubles 9 pin no tap, under the black lights cosmic type of thing we almost fill three squads at a 32 lane house, the problem is we run short of female bowlers.A suggestion was brought up last night to possibly allow virtual entries, IE lets say female bowler Kathy is bowling all three shirts right now, but there are 7 other guys she could have bowled with, we want to allow a virtual entry where as those 7 guys are bowling that same shift with other female bowlers but they could turn in a virtual entry with Kathy and in essence we could net another 7 entries (reduced rate) but would have no lineage or food cost associated to those entries.Anyone do this?If so how did you set up the score keeping