Anybody ever used this polish? Seen some at a good price.Hoping it has a slip agent in it.Not sure tried researching it not much info.
As far as I know, no, no slip agent. It's supposed to be a 5000 grit-type of polish, which is sort of in what's sometimes called "extender" range. That is, the abrasive is super fine and put a very high gloss on the ball in the 5500 - 6000 range. Of course, no polish can put a predefined grit level on a ball; there are just too many human variables involved. I found it did put a polish on the ball, but that it dried very quickly on the ball, while on the spinner, and I had to use cleaner to remove the residue. For that reason, I personally, wasn't happy with this polish, but a bowling acquaintance really likes it. I could have been doing something wrong.