>>i just love when i get a 180 on lane 1 and a ball return on lane fourty!<<
Been there done that. Although I must say I got my exercise doing 30 lane sprints from machine to machine when that happened
>>i just love when a group brings in outside fast food, spills soda all over the concourse, and try to get away with bowling in their street shoes!<<
Yep, and then usually mouths off at you when you tell them they can't have the food there or have to be wearing bowling shoes because they've been drinking earlier that night
>>i just love when you get 50 ball return calls for the same d@mn viz a ball on lane 22 throughout the night!<<
This was a big one for me. Usually with the ancient house balls we had. Luckily being a house ball, I could get away with giving it a quick scotch brite sanding and then send it back to the bowler. They did get a weird expression on their face though when the ball came back sanded lol. But there were a few times that I wanted to buy someone a new ball so they would stop using the POS diamond shined ball that would not return no matter what lane they were on.
>>i just love when you're all done for the night and the last thing you learn is someone yacked on the bathroom floor!<<
Oh yeah. Loads of fun. Had had to deal with worse too, but I'll spare the details here.
>>i just love when open play throws 50 balls into the back thinking that each new ball will magically solve the initial ball return problem!<<
I'm assuming you are dealing with Brunswick A2s? If so, whats the record for the amount of balls you've had stuck in the machine? I know I've gone back and seen where a pin jammed at the Y gate and there were balls jammed back the rails to the lift rods, all down the lift rods and about 5 more in the pit to go with it.
>>i just love when a non bowler will walk out directly on to the lane to get a ball halfway down the gutter, completely oblivious to the fact that there is lane oil and a thing called a gutter cap!<<
Usually when they fall on their butt they figure it out, but I cringed everytime I saw that as I was just waiting for them to try and sue the center for a bruised tailbone or something
>>i just love cleaning the party room after a wild party hit like a tornado and left cake all over the carpet!<<
How about claening up after a league whos main goal was to drink as much beer as humanly possible? A few times I thought I was working at a brewery with all the beer bottles around me
Edited on 6/26/2006 6:18 PM