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Author Topic: Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read  (Read 2295 times)


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Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read
« on: September 11, 2003, 11:05:49 PM »
To all who work in a pro shop, no owners please.

I am thinking about taking a p/t job working in my local pro-shop but havent decided yet and was hoping your input and replies could make my decision easier.
My coach/driller/pro shop owner made it well known to me about a week ago that they are very short on staff and need help desparately. I was in there last night and he stressed the lack of staff again. He offered me a job last week and I just kinda shrugged it off. But now I am thinking, working in a pro shop would be such a learning experience for me. They just ordered up a new drill press and all types of new gadgets and he would be teaching me all of this stuff. He said the first thing would be to teach me how to drill a ball properly.

I dont really need the money so that is really not even any reason for persuading me to take him up on his offer. Like I said, it would be more for the learning experience. Plus I could work on my own equipment for FREE!! The only thing that is holding me back from taking the position is having to deal with the public again!! I hate dealing with customers!! I worked retail for 4 years and cannot stand dealing with customers.

Basically, to all who work in pro shops, what is your take on working there?? Pro's vs Con's, likes vs. dislikes. Let me know what you guys think.

How am I supposed to knock all 10 down with one ball?!?

Edited on 9/12/2003 2:15 PM



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Re: Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2003, 02:20:27 PM »
if you dont like working with the public, then dont take the position.


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Re: Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2003, 02:52:32 PM »
I have worked with the public, I haven't worked in a proshop,
but I hang around it a lot so I see the people that come in.

IMO The bowling public, is a little different from the public as a whole.
YOu will have those that will get on your nevers, but I think they are few a far
between as far as  seeing them in a pro shop.

I think the experience would outweigh the dealing with the public.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member

Edited on 9/12/2003 3:44 PM

Edited on 9/12/2003 8:26 PM


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Re: Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2003, 03:26:42 PM »
Tough call to make there Rock!  I personally love working in a Pro Shop, yes you get the french benefits of working on your stuff for free, etc. but there is some reward in watching someone enjoy the equipment you drill for them, etc.  You are bound to have some difficult customers or very busy / stressfull days, but I personally find that these instances don't happen all too often.

I think you need to weigh out the options for yourself since any of us wouldn't be working in your area, etc.  Tough to make a judgement call not knowing your personality or the demographic you would be dealing with.


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Re: Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2003, 03:31:06 PM »
i enjoy 99.9% of all the people i drill for, this includes men, women, and children. there's always that one that's a tough one to satisfy, you just have to go that extra mile. and the benefits from when they shoot high scores and win jackpots are great too!!!


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Re: Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2003, 03:38:06 PM »

I do not work in a proshop, but I wanted to throw my $.02 in so here it goes.  I would not probably work in a proshop given the opportunity at this point in my life.  I as you mentioned am not in desperate need of the money and for me right not my spare time means a ton to me.  I have children though and I love spending the time as they are only young once.  I feel like right now I spend enough time gone from the house with leagues and practice and now due to SrKegler hitting any tourney I can find.  As the years pass though I would love to get this opportunity to learn more of the proshop side of things.  I guess I am doing the hard way on my own slowly.  If I did not have commitments and had nobody but me I would do it in a heart beat

My advice to you would be if you are single no family to worry abou things like that go for it learn it now while you can.  If you have commitments though don't stretch yourself thin.  It will only add stress and make everything rushed and not to the quality you want.  Think about it in a manner of how will it fit in and take away or add to the things you already have in your life.  Don't worry about the customers.  I don't let anybody make me feel bad or upset me without my permission.  In other words don't put that much weight into the bad things they say.  Ok ramble mode off.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.


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Re: Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2003, 03:51:10 PM »
I don't know about your situation personally, but taking a job in a pro shop was one of the best things I've ever done.  And it's even cooler if you have a certain feel for drilling.  When you start having people requesting that you be the one that drills their ball, it makes you feel that much better, AND that in turn generates more business.  But there are those people that drive you crazy.  I'm like you in the sense that I hate dealing with people, but I can tolerate it for the most part.  AND free (or discounted in my case, grr) work on equipment is PRICELESS.  If you get free or discounted practice in the bowling center too, that's an added bonus.  If you want to advance your bowling game quickly, that's the best way to do it.  You learn so much more about drilling, coverstocks, layouts, surface prep, etc.  And if you drill your own equipment, your mistakes are on you, lol.  Your first couple balls will be pretty nerve wracking, but once you've done it for a month or so, you just put them on the machine and punch them out without so much as a second thought.  I'd say if you can squeak it in, try it for a little while at least.  Nobody says you have to stay there, and it's an experience well worth having.  Besides, how many people do you know that would kill to work in a pro shop and can't wiggle their way into one, let alone being ASKED (begged, blackmailed, lol) to work in one.  I'd say give it a shot, and make your decision based on the experiences you'll have.
Forget Ron Bahr, I know his hot wife . . and her hot daughter . . . .

Being in adult leagues teaches you many things.  

1.  You're not on top anymore, but there are a lot more people that suck worse than you do now.  

2.  The myth about the youths having an easier shot is NOT TRUE.  I'd have an entire ring collection if it was.  

3.  Drunk adults are a lot funnier than drunk youths.


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Re: Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2003, 10:35:50 PM »
I've worked in three proshops and never as an owner. I was always an employee. I was trained by my first two proshops( two different schools of thought on somethings) and now i run a shop in a bowling centre that hired me to run there shop. I still have a boss and can't really make someone a great"deal" on the spot but i am still my own boss and have freedom of course. i get to work on my own equipment and my distributors all know me so i get perks from them, like seminars and promotional deals.

As already stated if your familar and comfortable in the enviroment go and try it out. if your single and have no committments much bigger than pets, do it. It's a huge learning experience and you will improve leaps and bounds. and like Hamster said, the feeling of someone knowing your expertise and style suit there needs and demands, that is reassuring and builds futur confindence in your skills and your customers making the right choice. But one thing that is extremely important is to not stop learning and don't get swollen headed. There is always someone that knows something you haven't learned or experienced yet.

Open mind=Free Comfortable Lifestyle=Limitless Boundries.

I am Canadian Dude!
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Keep them honest!

Ebay store updated very often:

Rick Wunder

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Re: Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2003, 12:21:41 PM »
Four years ago, I was in your situation.  Today, I have been working in the shop part time for four years, and I'm glad I decided to do so.  When the time comes that I retire from my day job, which I hope to do within five years, I'll be spending more time in the shop.

Here are the pros and cons as I see them applying to you.

Pros (these could vary, depending on the shop and the bowling center):
- Exposure to extensive knowledge of the sport.  I have had the good fortune of working closely with two excellent ball fitter/drillers, one of whom is a silver level coach and the other a gold level coach, both PBA players.
- Access to equipment and services at a discount - sometimes free
- Access to advice and/or coaching, mostly free, sometimes too much
- Discounts on bowling, food, and drink

- Dealing with customers
- Less free time (time to spend with family, time to bowl tournaments, etc.)

You obviously have some issues with which you have to deal, not the least of which is dealing with customers.  I came into the situation with absolutely no retail experience and never having worked with the public a day in my life.  However, I do like to talk and I love bowling, so dealing with customers is a pretty natural thing for me.  Of course, I have gotten to know all the regulars, so that makes things much easier, as well.  BTW, one of the things that makes it easier to deal with customers in the shop is that, for the most part, they are there because they want to be, not because they have to be.  That changes the retailer/customer dynamic quite a bit.

Other than that, there isn't really much else I can add to what has already been said by the others here.  You have to evaluate your personal situation and decide for yourself whether the good points outweigh the bad ones or vice versa.

Good luck with your decision!  Keep us posted.


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Re: Anyone who works in a pro shop, please read
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2003, 12:47:48 PM »
Since its a part time job, why not just give it a shot? If it doesn't work out, you not forced to stay there.