Good by west coast!
As I write this I am sitting in the airport waiting on the flight to take me back home to North Carolina.
I left home on June the 7th and will get back home on June 24th. That’s a long trip. I was lucky enough to meet a few of the great ballreviews folks on this tour of the west coast. Yes Arizona you are on the west coast too…well to me anyway.

I made if from Reno to the San Fran area, up to Medford Or., down the northern coast line of Ca. (prettiest place I have yet seen). From there down to the Sierra Vista Arizona for a few days. I even got within a few feet of the Mexican border. I considered sneaking across the border but I was afraid one of the border guards would die laughing seeing a white boy form North Carolina sneak IN to Mexico. I tell you that sunset in the desert is such a beautiful site it’s almost a religious experience. From there it was up to Phoenix for a couple days.
I tell you that bowlers are the nicest people in the world. If you are ever traveling and need help go to a bowling center and find some real bowlers. I know they would bend over backwards to help you.
I got to see some great sights, meet some great people and what I enjoy most, give a few bowling lessons.
My only regret; I didn’t get to experience a small earth quake. I was really hoping for that.
Good by west coast….I will return!
Ron Clifton