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Author Topic: Apex Aggression verses the Big blue  (Read 623 times)


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Apex Aggression verses the Big blue
« on: August 11, 2004, 07:43:31 PM »
Hey guys which one of these balls is the best.



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Re: Apex Aggression verses the Big blue
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 04:33:57 PM »
I understand fully, I really like reactive balls and the aggression was actually my first particle ball. It moves pretty good and I was quite impressed with it. Well a little about my game, im not a cranker and i dont consider myself a stroker, im more in between the two. I put a descent amount of spin on the ball which is why I like skid flip ball as oppose to arcing balls. I dont track really high but its more or less a few inches from my grips, and im right handed. I having been interested in buying the big blue pearl and I was interested in the solid, I belive the pearl to be better than the solid but I wanted to compare the difference in my aggression and big blue solid.

Edited on 8/12/2004 4:30 PM


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Re: Apex Aggression verses the Big blue
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2004, 04:35:49 PM »
One more thing, I purchased my aggression to handle heavy oil. I really was more interested in which would handle the most oil, which would be better for mediums and which would be more reliable to have in the bag.