when my timing is jacked, i have my driller watch me.
pretty much, my swing-to-release takes up 3 solid steps. i use a 5 step approach, the first step setting the pace. step 2 is pushing the ball out, generally hip-height, to get my elbow locked. steps 3-5 involve the drop, upswing, downswing and release.
if my timing is bad, Bruce watches me and basically helps me recount my steps. for as long as it takes, i just approach the line counting off the steps until they are in time with my swing. the count is rhythmic, and in time with my gravity swing.
once you feel it perfect, you know it, everything clicks at the line. i halt the slide right as my fingers roll off the ball, my plant foot is right where it neds to be and my shoulders are square.
get someone to watch you and help you time your approach with your armswing.
i don't care who makes it, how much it costs, or how sexy the ball looks. can i carry the 7 and level the deck with a $60 ball?
bring on the Lefty uprising!