OOOOOOOHHHHH man, do I dare reply to this post? LMAO

Ok, well here it goes....
I have a 5 step approach (4 wiggles and a heave as known to some

I start with my left foot behind me with all of my weight on it (RH).
I then shift the weight to my right leg (step one) then go to the other 4 steps.
As far a rythm, I have a song that I keep in my head, and I take my steps
to it.
Slow becoming fast would be the pace.
I start at the end of the approach and finish at the end of the approach

(actually, about 6-7 feet behind the foul line. I had an accident once causing me to stick and fall into the lanes so now I stop back far enough so that I have time to stop this mass that is I lol
OKay, I have opened up the can.......
Then worms can come out now lol

Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
Visionary Test Staff Member
http://www.visionarybowling.comEdited on 8/11/2004 3:23 PM