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Author Topic: Are Accuracy and power mutually exclusive?  (Read 1558 times)


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Are Accuracy and power mutually exclusive?
« on: October 13, 2006, 10:05:59 AM »
It seems to be a common belief that accuracy and power are not compatible.

When I was a golfer it was the belief but I did not necessarily find it so!
Some points on this subject for golf...
1.  Ben Hogan was an extreme Power hitter for his day but also very accurate!
2.  I had an instructor in golf that at one time had been listed as one of the longest hitters in the world.  He was a small man so therefore he developed a lot of his power thru very very efficient technique therefore he was very straight.
3.  The technique he taught me he actually believed that if the technique was done properly the harder one hit it the straighter the ball went even in a  cross wind(I found this to be true).
4.  Often golfers would point to the fairways hit category to measure the straightness of players with their driver...I had very good golfing acquaintences who stated that NO....the more relevant way to measure accuracy was by instead...degrees of dispersion...I agree with them.  A 300 yard drive that lands 1 yard in the rough may be a lot straighter than a 220 yard drive that snuggles in the fairway by an inch.

In bowling I had the pleasure of bowling some with Jimmy Keeth.  
1) I still believe he was the highest rev player ever as measured by Kegel.  In my eyes and many others bowling with him....he was extremely accurate.  Due to his very high speed he did not seem to get very good carry in certain parts of the pocket!
2)  Tommy Jones is a high rev player who is accurate enough to win the US open!
3)  Robert Smith...US open champ
4)  ALSO what is power...Patrick Allen who has good revs but also tremendous free that also power?

ARe Speed and power mutually exclusive from accuracy?  I think not.....YOU?


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Are Accuracy and power mutually exclusive?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 07:22:49 PM »
I don't think it's impossible to have both.  In the simplest sense, just look at the PBA tour.  Most all of them are what we consider tweeners or up.  People call Walter Ray a pure stroker, but he isn't even comparable to the same league bowler we call a stroker.  He throws with good speed, and I doubt he has a problem throwing 300rpm, a "tweener" ball, while we name Joe Stroker the same term, though he throws it 14mph with 200rpm.  And like I said, WRW is considered a stroker on tour, meaning that the others all have more "power".  And obviously they are all accurate.  

I think the problem stems from the fact that everyone associates being accurate meaning you're WRW or Parker Bohn, when realistically all players on Tour are accurate.  Same with power.  Guys like Mike Machuga, Chris Barnes, etc aren't considered massive power players, even though compared to your average league bowler they have far more (effortless) power.  It's really a matter of semantics.
- Andy


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Re: Are Accuracy and power mutually exclusive?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2006, 08:30:46 PM »
I like this thread....

Andy I thought that was a well expressed anwer.

Bob...would you say then the parallel is that the answer is similar to golf...that the higher rev rate is analgous to the 300 yard drive?

Ie even if just as accurate at the arrows that at the break point(analgous to a drive final resting point)  The lower rev bowler has less dispersion at the break point(analogy being in the fairway) versus the high rev player has more dispersion(ie just as straight in projection angle and board hitting) but is out of the fairway in golfing analogy?

For Bob ...additionally...would this apply to bowlers who's rev rate overpower their speed or for all high rev players?  Reason I ask is my perception is that bowlers who have high rev rates can equal the dispersion of lower rev bowlers if they have a good match of speed and revs.  ie for example...Chris Barnes or Patrick Allen.  Even Robert Smith when he amps up revs seems to easily ramp up his speed and match...leading to low dispersion all the way down the lane?
My opinion...BOB....yours?



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It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Are Accuracy and power mutually exclusive?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2006, 09:50:31 PM »
Power and accuracy are NOT mutually exclusive.  In fact, they have a special term to describe those who have both  --  professional bowler.  --  JohnP


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Re: Are Accuracy and power mutually exclusive?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2006, 10:07:42 PM »
There are times when both are beneficial to scoring. In my experience, revs are just a waste of energy, when in actuality, getting the ball into a roll is how you carry pins.

All of the greatest bowlers of all time knew how to get the ball to roll into the pins the right way. High revolutions are not necessary to be successful on tour. I would take accuracy over revs any day.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff 04-06
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You don't score, until you score......"

Edited on 10/13/2006 10:00 PM


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Re: Are Accuracy and power mutually exclusive?
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2006, 10:08:19 PM »
i feel like if you toss the ball hard with alot of revs you get alot more pin action.. as to where strokers typically dont get very much explosive pin action.. You can be pretty sloppy too because of that if you keep in in or close to the pocket you can pretty much carry crude strikes all day.. Strokers have alot more accuracy but Lack power, so they leave weak 10s alot more and stuff and bad shots are not quite so forgiving.., but they can be occasionally...

As far as your golf stuff goes, id take having semi poor accuracy with 300 yard drives over 220 yard drive in the fairway.. crap you can reach par 5 greens in 2 even from the rough.. And you cant really increase your distance, but you can work on accuracy if you already have the power

Thats my take on the whole situation and i think power and accuracy can be compatable but only to a certain degree.. Bowling is mainly a game of luck.. You can be very consistent, but if you threw perfect balls every time your still likely to leave a 10 pin or what not.. and its based on if the pin setter sets the pins perfectly and stuff.. theres alot of factors lol.. ALSO it depends how repeatable your swing is and if you have alot of power... yepppp ok im done.. i am rambling on.


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Re: Are Accuracy and power mutually exclusive?
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2006, 10:34:25 PM »
Power and accuracy are not mutually exclusive.  I see many power players throw the ball very consistently hitting their target.  I think the perception that they aren't as accurate is due to the fact that the lane conditions will affect their shots more.   A power player throwing a hard, big hook ball, will hit a oily spot on the lane and his ball will slide right past the break point amd completely miss the pocket making it look like his shot was way off target when in actuality he may have missed his mark by a board.  The stroker who misses his mark by a board will usually still get the ball to the pocket even if he hits the same oily spot.  Both players missed by the same margin, but it appears that the power player missed by more because of where his shot ended up.
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