I am extremely bothered also by the fact, that for the vast majority of AMF Centers, its just a bunch of late model Brunswick A-2 machines, and B-2000 ball returns with the 2000 masking units also, and they just slap AMF logos in the middle of the Masking unit where it used to say Brunswick or the name of the center when it was Mom and Pop owned. It's not like AMF built these centers from the ground up with 82-70's or AMF 90 XL's, and installed the Quibica/AMF/Bowland scoring system and ball returns, thus they might be able to justify some higher prices because they do have top of the line equipment from their OWN COMPANY!!
I live a good 3 hours from a certain AMF Center in Sturgis Michigan, and the its really sad, that a town of around 11,500 is subject to having a single bowling center in their town and its a terribly ran 32-lane AMF corporate owned center, I have many friends from that town. Even more disgraceful is that this center was founded by the family of PB III's wife Leslie, and when AMF bought it, they ran it to nothing. If I had some $$$$ I would change this situation. As with most on these boards, I could ramble on all day about everything wrong with AMF Bowling Centers.
Matt(the former chink of collegebowling)