Our local AMF center charges comparable prices with our local Brunswick center for prime time open bowling and league. Both give a discount to league bowlers.
Here's how they are different. Brunswick only charges $0.99 per game from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays, and only charges league bowlers $0.50 per game during these same off-peak hours. Brunswick also regularly e-mails coupons to me for $0.99 per game that are good during peak hours.
The Brunswick center staff are much more professional and helpful than the AMF center staff, and the AMF center is terribly maintained in all aspects (the bathrooms are filthy, the floors and approaches are rarely cleaned, and my ball is covered with nasty gook after a single game).
Although I would prefer to give my business to the AMF center because it's closer and I like the layout of the center better (raised approaches and generally more roomy), I can't justify spending more money at the AMF center for a less quality bowling experience than I get at the Brunswick center.
Edited on 6/15/2009 9:32 AM