Thong, quartermania is one of the concepts that is absolutely destroying our sport. You get people used to spending nothing to bowl, then they will not be willing to pay the $2/line that is required for the center to just break even, or the $3.75 national average that helps the centers make enough money to modernize and upgrade every so often, not to mention buying new parts to keep their machines running rather than using duct tape to quick fix. Unfortunately, the dumpy, bought-and-paid-for centers that are not modern at all have to give away their bowling to get people in the door, then they hope to make the money on beer, video games, and snack bar.
Mumzie's post shows us the potential of bowling centers, and Seadrive pointed out that main problem. Poorly run bowling centers is absolutely the #1 cause for the decline in numbers. There are numerous centers in Michigan that are actually doing things correctly and are having very few problems keeping the place full.
I believe the recreational bowling only concept is a very short-sighted concept indeed, and many proprietors have jumped on the bandwagon. In their opinion (and for now they are right), the recreational bowler doesn't complain about lane conditions and is willing to spend $3-$4 per game or more to open bowl. It's a fun night out for $20-$30 for a young couple or a couple of friends. So I cannot blame the proprietor for catering to these bowlers, but why woudln't they want to have their cake and eat it too? Promoting competitive bowling AND recreational bowling just makes good sense, and once your bowling center gets a bad name with the competitive bowlers, it's very difficult to get them back later on.
I could write a book here, but I guess I'll refrain

http://www.MichiganBowling.comFamous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"