I don't know if I am going to catch alot of flack here, but I would say the anwser is no.
Now my defention, I understand that they compete in a sport and are paid for it. I.E, professional athlete. However, very few bowlers I have seen resemble anything close to being an athlete of professional caliber.
When I think of professional athletes, I think of boxers, football players, olypimans, ultimate fighters, hell even ice skaters are definetly athletes. I think alot of the forum users would perfer bowlers be thought of as athletes, so that you can get off a long day of sitting on the coutch, lug yourself and your gut down to the bowling alley, drink a couple beers and consider yourself among the same levels of an athlete.
The physical fitness level of a pro bowler is generally low, I would assume, compared with the physical fitness of most other professional sports. I don't buy, well they bowl 20 games a day crap either. I think it is sad to say that this is considered a great marvel of anything. The only thing that would be sore on me from bowling 20 games in a day would be my thumb and or fingers, definetly, and that is from a lack of playing everyday and developing callouses.
I think it really shows how far out of shape an average american is, when they are impressed that somebody could bowl 20, or even 40 games a day. Now I understand that the hand-eye coordinate of a top bowler is extermely high, and is far beyond the reach of normal people. So is that of a professional pool player.
I guess its a reflexion of what is considered an athlete. I tend to be more towards the orginal concept. An athlete should be athletic, which is a term, orginally used to describe the attributes of traditional athletes. When 90 year old Eythl bowls her 200 game, thats nice. I would like to see Eythl hit a baseball more then 50 feet.
Should bowlers be called professional competitors, which is a more fitting term, IMO. Any opinions?