Since getting back into bowling a couple of years ago I've bought nothing but used equipment, with the exception of my Zone spare ball and shoes. But I've constantly read about all the latest and greatest balls and watched the videos and read the reviews with plans of buying a brand new ball at some point. Now it seems like I'm to the point of information overload and have no idea what I want and more importantly, what I really need. Which is the number one question really. Do I really need a new ball or do I just want a new ball?? I mean, I'm bowling better now than I ever have. I'm carrying a 198 average and I've bowled two 700 series within a month. (Had never had one before.) So is a new ball really gonna make that much difference?? I'm sure more experienced and more knowledgeable bowlers could answer that question, but I can't.
So last night I was on Roto Grips website and did their matchmaker thing, where you enter in your stats and it spits out the results of what balls they recommend for the different lane conditions. Great!!! I've done the same thing on Storms website too. So as I'm reading what Roto Grip has recommended, at the bottom of the page there is basically a disclaimer that says that these recommendations are based on the accuracy of your info. That's understandable.... It goes on to say that for the best results, see your pro shop operator, have him/her watch you bowl and see what they recommend based on what they see. Makes perfect sense!!! And I knew that. I just hadn't done it. So before I waste any more of my time looking at and reading about all the great balls that are out there, that's what I'm gonna do.
So that's my revelation. It's nothing earth-shattering, just coming to the realization that I have no clue as to what I'm doing when it comes to figuring out what new ball, if any, I need.