I have a question for you. You say make it scratch for 211+. Down here in Texas, if there is decent $$$, and it's scratch, you are going have to beat Chris Barnes, Wes Malott, Derek Eoff, Steve Klopken (sp), Chris Johnson, DJ Archer, Dino Castillo, David Anthony, Rick Lawrence, and a bunch of other really good bowlers.
Now some of you will say shoe up and tackle the challenge. But how many of you are going to drop $200 entry fee + expenses every tournament when odds are one of the above will beat you. Sure, you can improve and learn and one day you might win, but those are expensive lessons.
The 190-210 average bowler faces the same challenges bowling against a 220 average bowler that a 215 bowler faces bowling Mes Malott and Chris Barnes. Odds are they will lose.
HDCP means they will lose less often.
If you are a 200 average bowler, bowling against a 170 average bowler, and you each bowl 10 games heads up over the course of a season. ODDS ARE you will beat the 170 average bowler and his HDCP 8 out of 10 games. (80% HDCP table)
But you know what, if the one game he does beat you is in the championship of a tournament for $5,000, you will feel that HDCP robbed you. Even though you beat him every other time you bowled him.