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Author Topic: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?  (Read 2565 times)


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Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« on: November 16, 2004, 10:12:49 AM »
Hi everyone,

Just wondering if there is a Sport Condition/Sport Shot league in your House or in other Alleys in your area. I know of only a few within a 45 mile radius of where I live. I thought joining a Sport Shot league would only benefit my game. They recently tried putting a Sport Shot during my Thursday league. "I guess they're experimenting."

If you bowl in one, do they change the Sport Shot patterns or just keep one consistent pattern. I know several bowlers here are bowling in these leagues. I'd love to hear about your experiences (Bowling conditions, equipment changes, different hand releases, ball speed, etc.)

Thanks a bunch and looking forward to hearing from you!

S.F. Bay Area, California



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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2004, 09:42:55 PM »
There is one sport shot league in my area in Gardner, MA, it's run second shift on Wednesday nights. I think they rotate patterns every 6 to 8 weeks in the league. I wish I could bowl it but because I have to be in for work at 11pm I can't chance the league finishing always on time (it's a doubles league). I have a teammate on Mondays who bowls that league and he's happier when he throws 450 on that shot than when he throws 700 on Monday nights. I think they have 10 teams in that league.

I feel like I bowl on a sport shot on Tuesday nights in Winchendon, MA, although I know the owner has no clue how to set up the machine for a sport shot. You have to be very precise with your hand release, ball speed, and the line that you play in order to carry and score well. Otherwise, expect lots of splits or balls not even making it to the pocket.



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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2004, 06:46:57 AM »
We have one in town among 8 centers.

I don’t bowl in it so I don’t know about the patterns.

I believe it is a trio’s league.


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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2004, 06:49:32 PM »
There is one certified sport league in our area.  However there are a few leagues that put a sport shot down, but do not have the sport shot certification.  I bowl in one of these leagues.

Ironically the people that bowl in both the certified and non-certified sport leagues average higher in the certified league.  I think it is because the certified league doesn't change the shot as often therefore making it easier to adjust over several weeks.


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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2004, 07:50:55 PM »
We have a Junior ONLY sport shot league at an alley near me. Singles format with scoring most dependant on what you shoot rather than who wins games. Not sure what scoring system is called but basically you take total pinfall, divide by 10 and that's how many points you get. An extra 2pts per game won. This is a scratch league with the shot changing every week. yes EVERY week we have a diff shot.
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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2004, 07:53:13 PM »
No sport shot leagues in this area.  I am not even positive there is one in the state(north dakota).  It is really dissappointing.



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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2004, 08:16:03 PM »
I bowled in a PBA Pattern League earlier this year and although it wasn't an official "Sport" shot, it was a fun challenge and I would do it again!!  I average 175 in the sport pattern league and currently have a 205 avg. on my ABC Card..  It was my first year averaging over 200 for the entire season and I did it in two leagues over 84 and 80 games..  There are sport shot leagues in the Salt Lake City area and as long as you don't mind the 3.2 beer, come on down!!


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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2004, 08:31:31 AM »
I'm not sure what you might call the league I bowl in.  We started with a variation of the end of league pattern from last year.  Then went to 5 weeks of a slight tweak of PBA E, now were on something that I think may be a version of another PBA pattern ("A" ? - around 45 feet with doubly stripped back ends).  The league itself has no input as to the pattern - were at the mercy of the laneman.  He seems intent on getting folks to move away from the 2d arrow shot they've used for 30 years - it isn't working.  Personally I love it; after you get over being embarrassed with your scores you actually have a chance to learn things.  Sadly, most folks don't like it - they want the 10 board wall back.
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Edited on 11/18/2004 9:46 AM
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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2004, 08:41:28 AM »
We have one in our local center, but participation is classically low.  Hell, after last night, I was even thinking about quitting.

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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2004, 08:56:57 AM »
Wow, thanks for all your input guys! I just found out that there is a Sport Shot league at a House at a neighboring city less than 10 miles away from me (Not sure if it is a Sport Bowling certified league though). I'm going to call the house up and see if it's still going on.

The league itself has no input as to the pattern - were at the mercy of the laneman. He seems intent on getting folks to move away from the 2d arrow shot they've used for 30 years - it isn't working. Personally I love it; after you get over being embarrassed with your scores you actually have a chance to learn things. Sadly, most folks don't like it - they want the 10 board wall back.

Ragnar, that's how I feel about our Thursday night shot. The owner of the house bowls in that league with us and he shot 146 in the first game. At home we're all used to the wall and getting away with breaks on bad shots. I find the shot more challenging and it's showing me a bunch of weaknesses in my game. The thing that kills me is that a lot of the bowlers are still forcing their ball through the out of bounds area trying to bend their ball back into the pocket resulting in washouts or nailing the corners pins...

S.F. Bay Area, California

Doug Sterner

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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2004, 09:22:56 AM »
We have 2 of them wihtin 20 miles of each other here in Southern NY. Both are sanctioned but both of them are totally different.

Still a tough one though...
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Re: Are there Sport Shot Leagues in your area?
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2004, 10:16:31 AM »
We have one in our area.  I get more satisfaction averaging 173 in that league than I do averaging 202 in my normal THS league.  Our sport pattern is long oil with a 1:1 ratio.  We didn't go with the 2:1 ratio that is now allowed.