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Author Topic: Are these guys in your league?  (Read 18040 times)


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Are these guys in your league?
« on: April 06, 2007, 01:28:22 AM »
And you know what, I wouldn't trade them for anything........!!!!

--The old dude who has memorized the schedule about 6 weeks in advance, and tells you what lanes he is on when he is standing in front of you as you are handing out the lane assignments for the night.

--The guy who, at the end of the night, gives you the entire blow-by-blow account of every shot he threw of every frame.  The series amounts to 512 (which we re-named our team "512" 5 years ago--the guy still has no idea that it's a playful rib at him) or something in that ballpark.

--The drunk team and stoner team.  Best nights are when they play each other.  It's like a substance-abuse fest.  Nothing but empty beer bottles and bags of Cool Ranch Doritos laying around.

--The team that refuses to move.  These are the guys still using the BUD II, or on the other end of the spectrum, Angular One's, and will be damned if they move even 1/4 of a board to the left as they whiff the head pin time and time again.  Their saving grace is the crossover light mixer strike, which convinces them that they are lined in.

--The Human Rain Delay team.  We have a guy who picks up his ball, curls it to his bicep, closes his eyes to visualize his shot, hyperextends his bowling arm to hold the ball dead straight out, and only then begins his approach.  If he ever won a PBA telecast, he would take home about $45.00.  This team has the obligatory old dude that stands there pondering his 6-pin conversion, only to throw a shot that would convert the 7-pin.

--The No Business Using That team.  You know this team.  The four guys collectively averaging 660, but all using Total NV's, and absolutely abusing the head pin by bashing it in the face all night.  See also:  Refuse To Move Team (above)

--The 100-mph Team.  The team of Plastic Fireballers whizzing the ball at the head pin at Mach 3, hitting the 1-3 and not understanding why they aren't carrying, and becoming more furious by the minute.

--The Team That Announces Everything.  "Congratulations to XXXXX, with a 203 game."  

--The Scoreboard Creepers.  These guys become more prevalent as the season winds down.  They hawk the back of your pair to see how you are doing against your opponents.  They are usually rosin bag target practice for us.  Playfully, of course.

--The Team with the Kiddy.  They have so many rules and fines, that Stephen Hawking is the only other guy that could possibly understand how much you or your teammates pay on a turkey, or an open, or a beer frame, or a washout conversion, or not getting the wood on a split, or not quacking and flapping your arms on a double, etc.  Their pair usually sounds like a generous slot machine in Atlantic City.

--The Owner's Team.  Usually stacked, with the absolute biggest cake shot ever on that pair for the night.

And because of these guys is the reason why I've been in this league for 1/3 of my entire life.



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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #46 on: April 06, 2007, 05:53:34 PM »
Great topic.

I like the guy who takes forever to throw a practice ball and keeping the rest of us from getting warm. Actually I hate this guy because most of them are not getting lined up as they are the guys who never move anyway.

One who I don't think has been mentioned is stand at the front of the ball return guy waiting for his ball to come back so he can throw the spare. He is standing in front of most bowlers so they have to wait.


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #47 on: April 06, 2007, 06:20:12 PM »
How many of you have the

"wrong foot slide, yet I am a lefty" bowler?


"The fidgeting, 3 step backward dancer" -
the guy who stand there for 30 - 40 seconds (which can seem like an eternity on the approach) fidgeting with his fingers in all 3 holes, taking them in and out, in and out. THEN, it looks like he's ready to go, he takes 2 steps forward. You see this and since you next to go, you step up onto your approach to get ready ...BUT he then takes THREE steps backward to get into a normal approach.
You stand there, jaw agape, wondering, "What the pluck will he do next??" and "what do I do now that I'm up here?" Quickly you step back off the approach.   Then he goes, while you're 1 step from getting off your approach and you should be stepping up onto it.

After 2 or 3 weeks of this nonsense, you just stand there staring at his routine.

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"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Pat Patterson

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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #48 on: April 06, 2007, 06:22:01 PM »
We have the "All B.O. Team" in our league.  I swear none of them, even the mom who subs every now and then have never heard of deodorant.  It's painful to bowl against them or to even be on the adjacent pair.  We affectionally call them: "The Stinkies", Daddy Stinky, looks like Jerry Garcia, Stinky Jr, Mommy Stinky and Cousin Stinky.

What about the "Dinosaur Team"?  Guys as old as dirt and there bowling equipment too.  Old Black Angles, Grey Angles, LT-48's, Manhattan Rubber, one guy even throws a Dick Weber 5 Star.

On the Thursday night league there is a team, I'm assuming are big fans of Larry "the Cable Guy", they named there team "Git-R-Done" and they all wear black  SLEEVE-LESS" bowling shirts complete with the team name on the back.  Hilarous!

Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #49 on: April 06, 2007, 06:46:27 PM »
My Favorate guy is the 140 bowler who thinks he should beat all the 200 bowlers and acuses you of sanbagging when you are a 200 average.
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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #50 on: April 06, 2007, 06:47:57 PM »
speaking of the "stinkie team". we had them in our league too, they were also known as the "make-out"team. they would throw their shot, then go back and suck face with some NASTY chick. we think it might've been his cousin. and to think the dad with all 4 of his teeth in place actually fornicated with something to produce a son. we couldn't stand to bowl them, then to see him making out was nausiating. a dad, his 2 sons and a female of some sort. they wore their bowling shirts religiously every week and never did wash them. even the stains were there all year.


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #51 on: April 06, 2007, 07:01:11 PM »
In my league we have an entire team of "people" lol that hit the ball return after a bad shot or ten pin leave.  They also have 3 balls each, one for every game, duh.  

On my team one of our guys sets his alarm clock for 15 min before the league starts, flies across town, misses practice to order food, and whines when he didn't know that we could've entered a tournament or something.  

Theres also a guy that uses both hands to bowl and no fingers.  So he hops 3 times to get to the foul line then just tosses the ball out there.  He has a blue and red ball, not sure what kind they are but it doesn't really matter to him.  He uses a different one for strikes every week.  Also, if he throws a gutter ball, which happens a lot, he'll pick up his spare ball of the week and throw it for his strike ball.

Theres one other guy in my league, the one that tosses the ball 15 feet out on the lane.  He averages about 160 but has been getting better I'll give him that, but he should also pay for the craters in the lanes.  I think he throws a 16lb ball and just chucks it every shot.  I don't think he's ever set the ball down smoothly before and if he did it was on accident.

Edited on 4/6/2007 7:03 PM


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #52 on: April 06, 2007, 08:19:28 PM »
--Never make it to practice guy. This guy never makes it to league on-time but some how averages like 220. amazing!

Pat Patterson

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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #53 on: April 06, 2007, 11:23:28 PM »
speaking of the "stinkie team". we had them in our league too, they were also known as the "make-out"team. they would throw their shot, then go back and suck face with some NASTY chick. we think it might've been his cousin. and to think the dad with all 4 of his teeth in place actually fornicated with something to produce a son. we couldn't stand to bowl them, then to see him making out was nausiating. a dad, his 2 sons and a female of some sort. they wore their bowling shirts religiously every week and never did wash them. even the stains were there all year.

WOW! The dad actual had 4 teeth, that's 1 more the daddy on the team I spoke of.  LOL
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #54 on: April 07, 2007, 12:04:50 AM »
One bowler you guys failed to mention is the Daddy Warbucks bowler.  He can be identified by the following:

1)  36 bowling balls---1 for each frame

2)  Sponsors a state or national team-----4 230+ average bowlers along  with his 165 average---and HE takes credit when they win.

3)  Gets in anywhere from  80-100$ worth of brackets and/or card games every night---and brags when he wins just one of them
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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #55 on: April 07, 2007, 12:39:27 AM »
I bowl with one of those know-It-All bowlers who proclaimed last week that "I have forgotten more than just about anyone knows about bowling."  His excuse for a poor shot is "I don't have my legs under me yet."  Anyone else roll a poor shot and it's because we don't know how to bowl and need his expert advice.

I can't wait for the end of the season ... only 4 weeks left!
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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #56 on: April 07, 2007, 05:58:15 AM »
One of the leagues I am in we affectionately called the Riverview Mixed (Riverview is a mental hospital in the area) as about half the league could qualify even though there's technically nothing wrong with them.

THe obligatory couple of people who swear after every frame but one new one is:

"The Bundy's"  : There is a team of two couples that when someone throws a strike, a "Steeeeee-rike" is yelled audible throughout the league and one of the guys does the "4 touchdowns in one game" pose.

Hilarious to see.  Not too bad as all the team members are 130 or under; in fact, some of the other bowlers have mimicked them
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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #57 on: April 07, 2007, 09:33:32 AM »
The professional sandbagger.

This guy is the master of the timely Greek church or washout.Takes pride in missing those spares by just a little bit and proudly proclaimes he hits every pin he aims at.

Uses old school equipment until his average is well established then shows up with new high end gear and suddenly "finds" the shot.The only tell tale are the expensive 'Roos or Dexters he shoes up with.

His name can be found atop the leader boards of all the handicap tournaments that have not yet rerated him.

His philosophy is I didn't make the system I just play it.
It's all about the X  


Edited on 4/7/2007 1:17 PM


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #58 on: April 07, 2007, 10:23:13 AM »
I am on the "One person missing no matter what" team. Fortunately I am a sub only. One person either doesn't show up, doesn't call and tell anyone they won't be here, or if they do show up they are not there for practice and/or every frame that it is their turn. One is outside smoking more than a fire at an oil refinery and the other is off watching ugly women bowl with the illusion that somehow he is going to get some !@#$% tonite. If we are close to the desk we actually have to page him to bowl. OH I FORGOT to mention we are also the: "Last team to finish even if we are missing 3 outta 5 people team." We could have a 1/2 hr early start from everyone and still be done last. Which is especially awesome when you are sick or bowling lousy. Nothing better than prolonging the agony....


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #59 on: April 07, 2007, 11:51:51 AM »
These arent two "teams" persay. But two individual people. "Hat guy"  the guy that always bowls in a hat and "Towel Guy", usaully an older gentleman, with the towel in his back pocket or his non-bowling hand. Whats funnier is that its a bathroom towel!
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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #60 on: April 07, 2007, 12:13:18 PM »
We've got a bunch of those teams and individuals here.  The goof-off drunks that all work or worked in one of the bars attached to the alley (the proprieter owns the building and has three bars plus the bowling alley).  Usually wasted by the end of the first game.

The extremely friendly minister that walks up and down the alley greeting everyone by name with a smile big enough to be on TV (he's actually a really nice guy).

The porno card team (that's us, I run a card game) and the kitty team (also us, but our rules aren't that complicated).

The team of guys that each take maybe an extra 10-15 seconds on the approach every frame.  Not so much to be really obnoxious, and they're always there when it's their turn.  But those 10 seconds per ball per man add up to 20-30 minutes at the end of the night.

We have the goober/painful-to-watch guy on Wednesday night in my mixed league.  No one wants to talk to him but he thinks he's their best friend.  His approach is a little sequence of hunched over hops and skips, the whole time holding his ball straight down while twisting his wrist back and forth like he's using a rachetting screwdriver.  Throws his 12# ball straight, but complains about the oil and carry.  He's also on the never-up-when-it's-their-turn team who spend most of the first game eating or waiting at the snack bar, then gets snippy when you complain (who orders a damn ice cream cone while bowling?).  A lot of folks hope they don't come back, but my opinion is that the more teams the better.  They pay into the prize fund as much as everyone else (and are in the middle of the standings anyway).

We used to have the guy who complained about something every single week.  If it wasn't the approaches it was the pins.  If it wasn't the pins it was the oil pattern.  If it wasn't the pattern it was the the other team.  Frankly, we have a nice bowling alley.  It's only been open about seven years, so the equipment is new, the synthetic lanes are in good shape, the oil is fair and mostly consistent.  Could use new pins on a more regular basis, but it's a nice house.   He has no real reason to complain.  He was a pretty good bowler, if a bit of a hack.  Loved the sound of his own voice and would argue about anything and everything.  We lost a rules dispute largely because he was the one who did the disputing.  If he weren't quite as much of a jackhole, we probably could have won.