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Author Topic: Are these guys in your league?  (Read 18042 times)


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Are these guys in your league?
« on: April 06, 2007, 01:28:22 AM »
And you know what, I wouldn't trade them for anything........!!!!

--The old dude who has memorized the schedule about 6 weeks in advance, and tells you what lanes he is on when he is standing in front of you as you are handing out the lane assignments for the night.

--The guy who, at the end of the night, gives you the entire blow-by-blow account of every shot he threw of every frame.  The series amounts to 512 (which we re-named our team "512" 5 years ago--the guy still has no idea that it's a playful rib at him) or something in that ballpark.

--The drunk team and stoner team.  Best nights are when they play each other.  It's like a substance-abuse fest.  Nothing but empty beer bottles and bags of Cool Ranch Doritos laying around.

--The team that refuses to move.  These are the guys still using the BUD II, or on the other end of the spectrum, Angular One's, and will be damned if they move even 1/4 of a board to the left as they whiff the head pin time and time again.  Their saving grace is the crossover light mixer strike, which convinces them that they are lined in.

--The Human Rain Delay team.  We have a guy who picks up his ball, curls it to his bicep, closes his eyes to visualize his shot, hyperextends his bowling arm to hold the ball dead straight out, and only then begins his approach.  If he ever won a PBA telecast, he would take home about $45.00.  This team has the obligatory old dude that stands there pondering his 6-pin conversion, only to throw a shot that would convert the 7-pin.

--The No Business Using That team.  You know this team.  The four guys collectively averaging 660, but all using Total NV's, and absolutely abusing the head pin by bashing it in the face all night.  See also:  Refuse To Move Team (above)

--The 100-mph Team.  The team of Plastic Fireballers whizzing the ball at the head pin at Mach 3, hitting the 1-3 and not understanding why they aren't carrying, and becoming more furious by the minute.

--The Team That Announces Everything.  "Congratulations to XXXXX, with a 203 game."  

--The Scoreboard Creepers.  These guys become more prevalent as the season winds down.  They hawk the back of your pair to see how you are doing against your opponents.  They are usually rosin bag target practice for us.  Playfully, of course.

--The Team with the Kiddy.  They have so many rules and fines, that Stephen Hawking is the only other guy that could possibly understand how much you or your teammates pay on a turkey, or an open, or a beer frame, or a washout conversion, or not getting the wood on a split, or not quacking and flapping your arms on a double, etc.  Their pair usually sounds like a generous slot machine in Atlantic City.

--The Owner's Team.  Usually stacked, with the absolute biggest cake shot ever on that pair for the night.

And because of these guys is the reason why I've been in this league for 1/3 of my entire life.



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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #76 on: April 09, 2007, 10:14:04 AM »
I might be the only one here who has a 2 step approach guy on his team.  Yes, 2 steps.
Mr. Lebowski, this is Bill Salnicker with the Southern Cal Bowling League, and I just got a, an informal report, that a member of your team, uh, Walter Sobchak, drew a firearm during league play. If this is true of course, it contravenes a number of the league's by-laws, and article 27 of the league...

I invented America.


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #77 on: April 09, 2007, 10:36:42 AM »
Great stuff, and I have seen, and/currently bowling with all the guys listed.  A few others:  
The "Late Team Member Every Week" Guy:  shows up in the 3rd, and with no practice, throw 2 on the over, and one right through the eye for a triple.

The "Fake Injury" guy:   Whenever he throws a bad shot, either limps from the "bad knee", or the "sore wrist"

The "Calculate His Average Right After Bowling" Guy:  This guy brings his calculator and starts punching in numbers right after league is completed.

The "Bring His Whole Family to Watch" Guy:  they take up all the chairs in the back because they are watching their "future star" (on a house shot, spraying it all over)

The  "These alleys are flyin'" Guy:  Dumping it into the dry at 10 MPH, rolling out, and getting disgusted with, "I can't keep it on the lane"


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #78 on: April 09, 2007, 10:53:20 AM »
Spledorlex we had a guy who didn't take any steps and actually lost ground.

He stands at teh line, shuffles his feet and his right leg steps backward as he releases the ball.

BTW he averages around 190 and has shot 300 (2 or 3 times) and an 800 about 10 years ago.


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #79 on: April 09, 2007, 11:17:51 AM »
great topic.  I like to add the " 5 minutes to strap on all his gear guy"  We have this guy on our team.  We affectionately call him the 6 million dollar man. First he tapes up his wrists, then puts on his elbow sleeve, then the forearm band, his kneebrace and finally his glove that looks like it came straight from Robocop's hand.  I swear by the time he gets all strapped in he has time to throw one practice ball.  

I also like the guy that is up checking the approaches and doing about 5 rehearsal slides 20 minutes before practice even starts.

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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #80 on: April 09, 2007, 11:38:18 AM »
I also like the guy that is up checking the approaches and doing about 5 rehearsal slides 20 minutes before practice even starts.

That's ME. What? I like to be early.


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #81 on: April 09, 2007, 11:41:13 AM »
great topic.  I like to add the " 5 minutes to strap on all his gear guy"  We have this guy on our team.  We affectionately call him the 6 million dollar man. First he tapes up his wrists, then puts on his elbow sleeve, then the forearm band, his kneebrace and finally his glove that looks like it came straight from Robocop's hand.  I swear by the time he gets all strapped in he has time to throw one practice ball.  

I also like the guy that is up checking the approaches and doing about 5 rehearsal slides 20 minutes before practice even starts.

Get on the fastTRACK to success

   Yes, those guys are great.  I'm dying over here, there is one guy who is sliding on the approaches 20 minutes before practice.  I love that guy.   How about "Extremely high backswing with no revs" Guy?   this guy's ball is at the ceiling like Rudy Revs, you are expecting him to tear the cover off of the ball, and then....the elbow breaks down, all three fingers at once, the ball is squrreling down the lane leaving 5-7's.


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #82 on: April 09, 2007, 11:50:56 AM »

I also like the guy that is up checking the approaches and doing about 5 rehearsal slides 20 minutes before practice even starts.

In the league I bowl in tonight we have 4 or 5 of these guys. One of them typically gets someone from the alley to come down to 'clean' the slide area. Of course this guy plants and doesn't slide anyway
Las Vegas, NV


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #83 on: April 09, 2007, 12:04:53 PM »
Anyone else have this guy?:

"Walk Around the Center Telling Everyone He Would Never Come Back to Bowling Because the Shot is Too Easy" Guy:   This guy wanders around saying the shot is a joke, meanwhile all the oldtimers still bowling say the guy was NEVER good, he just likes to make believe he was old time talent.  These guys can't come back because they have exaggerated so many stories, that the truth will be exposed if they ever laced them up again.


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #84 on: April 09, 2007, 12:52:45 PM »
Uncle Rico still has me laughing.  I bet i am a few of those guys somewhere in that list.



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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #85 on: April 09, 2007, 02:17:30 PM »
We had the "Darling family" from Andy Griffith show. A dad, his
three sons which all look like they crawled out from under a rock
somewhere in Bugtussel, USA. Had not washed in two weeks. And a
really pretty daughter-in-law that's just as dumb as a bowl of
grits. All pack up in the family truck and come down from the
mountains once a week for league night.


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #86 on: April 09, 2007, 02:19:46 PM »
We had the "Darling family" from Andy Griffith show. A dad, his
three sons which all look like they crawled out from under a rock
somewhere in Bugtussel, USA. Had not washed in two weeks. And a
really pretty daughter-in-law that's just as dumb as a bowl of
grits. All pack up in the family truck and come down from the
mountains once a week for league night.

Did they win the league?  That would be par for norm in my world.



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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #87 on: April 09, 2007, 02:28:21 PM »
And you know what, I wouldn't trade them for anything........!!!!

--The old dude who has memorized the schedule about 6 weeks in advance, and tells you what lanes he is on when he is standing in front of you as you are handing out the lane assignments for the night.

--The guy who, at the end of the night, gives you the entire blow-by-blow account of every shot he threw of every frame.  The series amounts to 512 (which we re-named our team "512" 5 years ago--the guy still has no idea that it's a playful rib at him) or something in that ballpark.

--The drunk team and stoner team.  Best nights are when they play each other.  It's like a substance-abuse fest.  Nothing but empty beer bottles and bags of Cool Ranch Doritos laying around.

--The team that refuses to move.  These are the guys still using the BUD II, or on the other end of the spectrum, Angular One's, and will be damned if they move even 1/4 of a board to the left as they whiff the head pin time and time again.  Their saving grace is the crossover light mixer strike, which convinces them that they are lined in.

--The Human Rain Delay team.  We have a guy who picks up his ball, curls it to his bicep, closes his eyes to visualize his shot, hyperextends his bowling arm to hold the ball dead straight out, and only then begins his approach.  If he ever won a PBA telecast, he would take home about $45.00.  This team has the obligatory old dude that stands there pondering his 6-pin conversion, only to throw a shot that would convert the 7-pin.

--The No Business Using That team.  You know this team.  The four guys collectively averaging 660, but all using Total NV's, and absolutely abusing the head pin by bashing it in the face all night.  See also:  Refuse To Move Team (above)

--The 100-mph Team.  The team of Plastic Fireballers whizzing the ball at the head pin at Mach 3, hitting the 1-3 and not understanding why they aren't carrying, and becoming more furious by the minute.

--The Team That Announces Everything.  "Congratulations to XXXXX, with a 203 game."  

--The Scoreboard Creepers.  These guys become more prevalent as the season winds down.  They hawk the back of your pair to see how you are doing against your opponents.  They are usually rosin bag target practice for us.  Playfully, of course.

--The Team with the Kiddy.  They have so many rules and fines, that Stephen Hawking is the only other guy that could possibly understand how much you or your teammates pay on a turkey, or an open, or a beer frame, or a washout conversion, or not getting the wood on a split, or not quacking and flapping your arms on a double, etc.  Their pair usually sounds like a generous slot machine in Atlantic City.

--The Owner's Team.  Usually stacked, with the absolute biggest cake shot ever on that pair for the night.

And because of these guys is the reason why I've been in this league for 1/3 of my entire life.

Don't forget these guys

(1)Reggie Rulebook.  The guy who wants the other team to forfeit because the team captain did not sign the recap sheet.
(2)Team 3M. The whole team pulls out their scotch brite pads before bowling and sand the wiz out of the ball they are using and effectively sops up every bit of oil the lane had in about 3 frames.  Of course the ball stops moving the 3 boards it previously hooked so they SNEAK off to rehit the ball again and again all night long.


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #88 on: April 09, 2007, 02:33:36 PM »
Bugtussel, USA?  LMAO.  THat there is funny.
"I do desire that we may be better strangers."  Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
"I'm capable of being just as sorry as you are, Dimitri."
Wyrd bið ful aræd!
(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #89 on: April 09, 2007, 04:41:22 PM »
How about the "religious" bowler..

After every shot all you hear is "Jesus Christ"


What about the "sacreligious bowler"

After every shot all you hear is "God DAMNIT!!"


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Re: Are these guys in your league?
« Reply #90 on: April 09, 2007, 05:10:51 PM »
With the explosion of poker you can't leave out Team Texas Hold 'Em.  They're more worried about the card game than whose turn it is to bowl.

Yo Joe, no waiting on Lane 27!

White Dot
I want Death by Chocolate for dessert, but only enough to put me in critical condition.
"I wish I was in Tijuana...eating barbequed iguana..."