about our Thursday night team at Parklanes in Newton, IL. We rolled scratch games of 1181 + 1306 + 1110 = 3597, a new house record. Not a world record by any means, but a pretty fair night. In the 1306 game we had one open, a missed 10 pin in the tenth. Of the 15 games bowled, all but one (180) were over 200. Each bowler ended up with over 700 - 732-718-713-728-706.
On a personal note, I set a new all time (not very) high series with the 728. Thank you Roto Grip for the Silver Steak Solid.
Why change balls? I can miss my target with any of them!
Edited on 3/20/2004 10:44 PM
Edited on 3/20/2004 10:45 PM