Try to focus on what you do with your left foot as you push off with your right foot on the 2nd to last step. If you're raising your foot off the floor and bringing it back down like you're wearing tennis shoes, then you aren't going to slide, and you're putting a lot of strain on your left hip and leg.
If you want to slide, then focus on sliding. I'm sorry if that sounds stupid, but face it, you know how to slide. Push off on your right foot, and slide!
If you're doing that, and you're sticking on the approach, then that's a whole different story. Put a sock over your left shoe, or use the slipperiest sole you have, if you have shoes with interchangeable soles, or bowl in your stocking feet in practice, whatever you need to do to get some extra slide.
Concentrate on that pushoff step, and you should be able to figure out what's wrong.
Also, if you find yourself having to throw the ball harder to keep it online in the 3rd game, think about switching to a less aggressive ball, or moving farther inside, rather than throwing it harder. If your lanes dry up as fast as ours do, then the ball that works best at the beginning of the set, is not the right ball for the end of the set.
Cogito ergo bowl
Edited on 3/21/2004 10:41 AM