This summer is going to be very....... I can't think of the word, but I am going to have to make some decisions this summer about when to turn adult. With the age change, next season would be my last season as a youth member. The reason I don't want to move up has nothing to do with the competition, I like bowling against good bowlers, it makes me bowl better, but there are a lot of friends that I have that are youth and tournaments are the only time I ever see them because they live hours away. I also want to make Team USA, and if I don't make it this year, then I don't know if I will bowl my whole last youth year to give it another shot next time.
I have people that ask me every time I walk into a bowling alley when I am going to turn adult, and I really don't know. I have attachment issues lol.
But to answer the question, I will be bowling a TON during the summer. Hopefully some lessons with Del Ballard or Susie Minshew. A good showing at JG would be nice. Hopefully can pay for my dorm expenses next semester with my winnings lol.