I average 220 and I bowl in handicap leauges for two reasons.
1. To bowl with my woman.
2. The challenge.
I'm very clear that in handicap leauges 220 puts me at a HUGE disadvantage because all of the handicap goes to the other teams I bowl against, but I love the disadvantage because in order to win I have to shoot the lights out and it makes the other team work as well. The point of bowling is to reach 300 or 800 and to me thats worth bringing my game face whether it be scratch or handicap.
I wouldn't mind scratch all the way....Joe Bowler might not agree though lol
Founder of H Phi H
Member of Hoss Central Inc
-Ive been called Cocky and Arrogant thorughout my career...Being humble is alright and all but I prefer to Shut my critics up and Shut'em Down and if that makes me Cocky and Arrogant then I am what I am- K.C.D
If THS is so easy why dont you have a 220+ average


I don't care if my signature is long. Deal with it.