Yes. I depend on it...
I accidently had my own study - and now I know it works.
A couple of years ago, I was leaving my house for the acupuncturist, so he could work on my lower back. I slammed the tips of both my index and middle fingers of my right hand in the car door.
Bad news - I was going from the drs office to meet with my coach, who was in town for the only day that year. I told the dr about it. He treated my middle finger, but left the index finger alone - so that I could get the middle finger in the ball.
After the acupuncture, the middle finger a) had no pain, and b) swelling was gone in a couple of days.
Index finger - no acupuncture - a) lots of pain, and b) swelling was around for 2 weeks.
So, not only do I get acupuncture, but I KNOW it works!
If winning isn't important,
why do they keep score?
Vince Lombardi