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Author Topic: Are you really that good?  (Read 3740 times)

The Hose

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Are you really that good?
« on: January 11, 2004, 07:17:10 PM »
I'm going to rant this morning.

I hear crap from bowlers all the time that just kills me.  I think it's just bowlers egos that makes them say and believe some on the things they say.

I hear 180 average bowlers say that they move 1/2 a board to solve corner pin problems.  

I hear guys say all of the time that they missed their mark 1 board left and left a big 4 or 1 board right and left a washout.  

The righties best friend is carry down. After 2 or 3 frames I hear them say stuff like "I threw that perfect and left a 2 pin, the oil has carried down".

Lefties say stuff like "I'm shut out because of too much oil and my break point if too far down to carry out the 7".  (I even use that one)

All of these things are said on a THS.  Give me a break!  Are you really that good or is it your EGO that makes you say stuff like that.

Are you really that good that splitting board is your norm?  On a THS, does 1 inch really make that much difference to most of us?  Moving back or forward a couple of inches shouldn't make any difference on a THS.

To me it sounds as stupid as a guy in Muskogee Oklahoma who goes to Vegas twice a year and tells me that he only plays one slut machine at the Four Queens because THAT machine ALWAYS pays off.  Give me a break!  It's insane!

Why can't bowlers just say "I missed my mark" or "I didn't get out of it very good".  These are why you didn't strike, not because of something else.  If you make a 1/2 inch move and strike, as far as I'm concerned, it didn't have anything to do with the 1/2 inch.

Maybe guys that make those comments are really that good.  If so, they should be able to make a living at it.

I'm having a pretty good year. I'm at 229 and make stupid comments like this from time to time.

My pledge today is to "shut up and bowl".  Enjoy the time. Understand that I'm not perfect.  I don't throw every ball exactly the same.  I don't have the same ball speed or rotation or line every single time.  It's because of a THS and wet/dry that makes me strike.   I'm really not that good!



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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2004, 10:21:14 AM »
And where can one find one of these "slut" machines?  Can you send me a map?

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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2004, 10:37:04 AM »
man hose you read my mind. Even tho i am a fellow wrong sider i will be the first to tell anyone if i made a bad shot, missed arrows, breakpoint or missed it at the bottom of the swing. I am so sick of watching human spray nozzles claim they missed by a half or quarter board at a breakpoint. I will watch them try to play 15 out to 8 and miss into 13 and say oh i only missed by a quarter board but because i knew midswing i was going to miss i applied a bit firmer speed and less rotation to get it to sit. All i have to say is BS, the wall pushed your ball and held it off you didn't do jack squat.

I watched this same guy bowl on a sport shot and he didnt average 135, he averaged 228 on league shots and regularly throws up honor scores.

Whats worse is these same people beat me all the time on walls, i know if it was a tough condition my hand and ability to repeat similar shots and spare making. would keep me in the 180-190 range, meanwhile their propensity to spray the lane would keep them from averaging over 150.

You can't really argue with them, just let them think they know what their talking about, and when you bowl on a pba or sport shot pattern and they are there, just sit back, watch, and have a good laugh.
I'm left handed and i've got a ball and a wall.

The forum whore formerly known as leftycrank300/JasonBogeyLC

The Hose

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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2004, 10:54:45 AM »
Michigan Bowler- that was a Freudian slip!

Unless you bowl 50 game a week and can average 215 on a Sport shot, you are not perfect.  Even if you move 1 board, is everything else repeated exactly?  I don't think so.  We all move, it's not about that.  It's after you make the move, is one stinkin' board really going to make a huge difference?  To me, it's our Ego that makes up stuff for our lack of being able to hit exactly what we are looking at with the exact same ball speed, rotation.

Edited on 1/12/2004 11:56 AM


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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2004, 10:56:21 AM »

You're right. That is a rant. While those should not be excuses why you did not score that one night, they are all legitimate reason why one ball did not hit the pocket.

If we are not paying close attention sometimes, that one ball can throw us off for 4 or 5 frames. We can assume we didn't throw the ball right and try to make corrections to it, when there was carrydown. We can miss one board on a wet/dry and leave a bunch of crap, when the real reason was we were playing the wrong line.

While lefties don;t see some of these factors, they can see some and they see or perceive other factors. Hey, the left - right controversy in bowling is a mixed bag but a real perception problem that we all must live with.

ALso, the gap between very good bowlers such as yourself (around 220+ and potential PBA material) and duffers, such as I (at 195-210, lucky that the scratch league lets me bowl) is a potentially immense hole. You may take 1 frame to make the correct adaptation; I may take 3-6 frames to do the same.

All the above factors come into play.

BUT I understand your rant. Excuses are many; reasons are few.
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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2004, 11:22:26 AM »
BOARDS....!!!, I spot at the cracks between the boards.

jimensminger D/T BallStaff


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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2004, 11:31:52 AM »
It's after you make the move, is one stinkin' board really going to make a huge difference?

Well, sometimes yes, I think.  When you are forced to throw weak urethane, one board can be the difference between hanging that 10 pin, or getting the ball a little higher in the pocket and carrying all ten (or, getting the ball a little further off the head pin to carry the 4 or 7).  I think that on adjustments of a board or less, though, you are almost always trying to adjust carry (on the THS).

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Ernie McCracken

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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2004, 11:57:52 AM »
I'm a 220+ average player and I'm still not good enough to be making 1/2 board moves and the other stuff you ranted about.  I can't speak for anyone else here, but I'm not that good.


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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2004, 12:01:23 PM »
When you can watch them and can’t tell where they are playing on the lane, let alone which board, what difference does ½ a board make?

I’ve heard this on the board as well as on the lanes, “I never miss a spare” and when asked what their average is they will say 165. Hello !!!! If you never miss a spare you’ll average more than that and if you’r that accurate you would carry enough to average 215+ on any condition.

I’ve heard them say the moved ¼ board and took 2 rev’s off the ball. If your that good what are doing bowling here against me.

Bowlers see the results, the ball hitting the pocket, not how it got there and that is worst part of these soft conditions.

There are exceptions to this (and most think they are the exception) but for most bowlers on the THS the minor moves are all confidence moves.


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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2004, 12:10:56 PM »
What's the big deal, let these guys talk about moving here and there, because quite frankly it does work more times than not?

If you're getting pinged with sevens or tens what will you do then, stay in line and continue to keep getting pinged all night?

If you can continuously get to the pocket and not carry obviously something different needs to be done so one could score.

If they adjust and know it will work then why not say it will.  Time and time again there have been few times where one line looked good but a two board move made it look better.  

Moving here or there could possibly change the angle of entry to the pocket, and maybe some bowlers don't know how to change their axis, rotations, or speed.

If it's a confidence booster only then at the least let these men have conifidence in what they believe.  You know what you know, they know what they THINK they know.  Bowl against these people and take their money from them, going home knowing you know better.

Most of these guys have no real will to compete in tournaments to prove themselves, so all we need to do is SHUT UP AND BOWL!
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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2004, 12:20:10 PM »
Sawbones - I know you know this. But there is a difference between actually hitting something you think you are and are hitting something else and not being able to hit the same spot.

Yes you thought it was 12 and it was really 14 but you repeated the shot and that is all that matters. I don't care if you where looking at 3 and hitting 14 if you do the same thing all night long. You didn't hit 7, 14, 12, 13, 9, and 16 and thought you threw them all well.

The Hose

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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2004, 01:13:09 PM »
I'm just a little tired of hearing bowlers say stuff that just isn't true.  Is the Truth that difficult for you egos to handle?  The Truth is, you did something wrong but you chose to blame everything but yourself.

Jayco, do you have the top average in all of your league?  Some houses are just tough and a 205 there may be like 230 somewhere else.  If you are not, what are those others doing better that you are not.

Take this test:  Place a blank piece is paper at your breakpoint.  Have someone mark the back of your heel and have someone draw a outline of your foot a the foul line.  After a few tosses, is your foot in the same place at the foul line?  are you hitting within a board on the paper?


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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2004, 01:15:00 PM »
My mom had a saying that kinda covers this...
"I'd like to buy him for the bowler he is, and sell him for the bowler he thinks he is."

Whenever I see folks like Hose is referring to, I remember that saying.

Now - there are times when all you need is to adjust your breakpoint a board or two to carry out those stupid corners. If you ARE good, you know what your ball and pins standing are telling you, and you adjust accordingly.

Maybe some of these guys Hose is referring to just want to talk like the big boys???
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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2004, 01:46:02 PM »
Please, don't talk to me about 1/2 board moves.  Bowled with a guy who averaged 160-165, couldn't hit the same 3-board area twice in a row, always came back from (yet another) bad shot, telling me had to make another 1/2 board move. :rolleyes:

I'm probably full of crap, but I could swear I had a 1/2 board to either side last night.  Oh, if I missed by a couple of boards, I'd make it back to the 1-3, but there was no strike 'a coming.  I usually target either a board, or the crack between two boards.

I only bowl in one house, so my opinion may not be that valid.  But what I see, is that the more you can turn it up, the more area you have.  Some of the guys who carry 215+ averages just walk up to the line, come around the side of the ball, and fling it down the lane.  They just need to hit a 3 or 4 board area at the arrows, and the ball will strike 90% of the time.

That's my perception, anyway.
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Re: Are you really that good?
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2004, 02:06:55 PM »
Maybe I got it wrong but the point Hose was trying to make wasn’t that you didn’t need to move during the night. Hose would admit that the lanes will transition.

But how can a bowler who can’t hit the same 3 board area be worrying about ½ board adjustments for carry? They are constantly missing by more than their adjustment amounts and they throw every ball different so how do you adjust off of that.

Now if every ball they throw goes high, yes they need to move but more than ½ board.