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Author Topic: Arg...I have no patience for league bowlers like this  (Read 1749 times)


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Arg...I have no patience for league bowlers like this
« on: June 13, 2008, 10:36:11 AM »
Last night on our sanctioned league they took forever to get going. The anchor took 10 minutes to get ready to bowl, grabbed a 12 lb house ball, cut in front of people and threw it aimlessly thumbless down the lane.

Then we realized on the scoresheet after the 2nd frame of the second game the second player's name didn't match the overhead. We asked her about that and she said he was just filling in for "player...". Then we find out she not only didn't pay for the substitute fee but didn't pay for the sanction fee because she wasn't sanctioned at all. Once she found out it was 18 dollars for that plus 5 dollars for the sub fee she refused to pay for any of it. The secretary then in nice words said "take a hike". We were in shock. We had to recalculate the first score to match the absent bowler that was supposed to be there and redo the frames in the second frame.

All of this and they never went up when it was thier turn. The second league came in and we were a half hour late. Very embarrassing, very unbelievable!

Edited on 6/13/2008 8:01 PM



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Re: Arg...I have no patience for league bowlers like this
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 06:40:44 PM »
I know how you feel. I have a bowler on my team that just kind of randomly wonders off. We are going to bring in a collar and leash and tie him up between frames to get the point across. Also, doesn't seem that you always get the broken pair? i know we always do. We are always the last team done. And its not our fault.
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Re: Arg...I have no patience for league bowlers like this
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2008, 06:56:56 PM »
I had a guy for a teammate for about five years that would wait to take his daily dump in the middle of the second game sometime. Literally would have to skip him and let him make up three frames when he got back. He claimed he had a "condition."

We've got a couple of folks on our league right now who obviously take the social aspect to its extreme. We need to affix some kind of shock alarm to them to get them to quit talking and bowl.

My best single story ever, however, was last year's summer league. It's a league with a few established bowlers and mostly rookies. I don't mind the small stuff but this was too much even for me: Girl got a phone call from her boyfriend, and proceeded to talk to him FOR 20 MINUTES. It was the break-up phone call -- she dumped him over her cell phone in the bowling alley in the middle of league. Also refused to bowl in her spot until she was done talking to him. Both teams finally sat and stared at her, except for her aunt, who was her team's captain. When I tried to quietly tell her aunt that no matter the importance of the call, she needed to show consideration for the others on the league, I got bi*ched at.

So we sat there for 20 minutes. I parked myself about three feet away and just stared at her, and every minute or so she'd look around at us staring at her and give us all go-to-hell looks.

Finally, the call was over (she was crying by this time), and she gets up and intentionally throws two gutter balls, one on each side of the lane, for reasons I can't explain. THEN SHE CALLS HIM BACK.

This time, one of her teammates took the phone away from her when it was her turn, so she gives him a kill look, gets up, and pitches two more in the ditch. Her aunt, meanwhile, is busy telling the rest of the team if they don't like it they can quit.

Our league had no sergeant-at-arms and the president didn't like conflict so nothing ever got done. She didn't come back to bowl again this year, thank goodness.


Edited on 6/13/2008 6:58 PM


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Re: Arg...I have no patience for league bowlers like this
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2008, 09:46:22 PM »
she'd look around at us staring at her and give us all go-to-hell looks.

That's almost the funniest thing I could ever imagine, reading this story

Finally, the call was over (she was crying by this time), and she gets up and intentionally throws two gutter balls, one on each side of the lane, for reasons I can't explain. THEN SHE CALLS HIM BACK.

This time, one of her teammates took the phone away from her when it was her turn, so she gives him a kill look, gets up, and pitches two more in the ditch. Her aunt, meanwhile, is busy telling the rest of the team if they don't like it they can quit.

Actually, if you're not there to bowl(and apparently she wasn't at that time), you need to leave or at least mark yourself absent so the rest of the people on the pair can continue.  That's the worst thing I've ever heard about someone in a bowling league.  At least take a minute to throw your frame when it's your turn, then you can continue talking in between.  I see people do it all the time.


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Re: Arg...I have no patience for league bowlers like this
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2008, 09:55:10 PM »
It was almost a da*ned cartoon. I think the only reason it didn't get really ugly is that none of us ever thought we'd see someone behave like that and didn't know what to do.


* And an edit to the previous post: For the first 10 minutes of the conversation, she would put the phone down and bowl she "only" idled us all for the last 10 minutes of the conversation. Still...


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Re: Arg...I have no patience for league bowlers like this
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2008, 12:25:38 PM »
Wait a minute. Her aunt said "if they don't like it THEY can quit?"

Sorry, one way or another a league officer is going to do something about it or I would. That's unbelieveabe!


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Re: Arg...I have no patience for league bowlers like this
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2008, 03:54:04 PM »
That story is nothing short of amazing.  Thank you for the amazing laugh JessN, lol.

This past winter league I had a guy who would always always ALWAYS eat at the snackbar with his 12 year old kid.  It slowed us down to a crawl, and it peeved me like no other.  Of course the time he took the longest was the time I had the front 8.  Ninth ball I left a solid 7 pin (I'm a righty), and it sucked.  I blame him, well, because I can
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: Arg...I have no patience for league bowlers like this
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2008, 11:14:05 PM »
Wait a minute. Her aunt said "if they don't like it THEY can quit?"

Sorry, one way or another a league officer is going to do something about it or I would. That's unbelieveabe!

Yes. One of her own teammates said something about having to wait and she shot back with "Do you have someplace to be?" or similar. He said something else to her along the lines of "the girl is being really rude" and her aunt responded with, "just give her a minute." We ended up giving her 7 or 8 more before she finally hung up. In the meantime, the guy on her team that eventually took the phone away from her said "I don't need this s***" and left the pit area for a moment, prompting the aunt to say, "Good, you can quit."

As for league officers, the president of the league was one of my teammates. He didn't do anything about it and I can't understand why.

The aunt is the same woman who, earlier last season, threw one right through the beak and got one of those domino-fallover strikes, and I stick my hand out and said, kind of sarcastically, "nice shot there -- just a little bit of luck, wasn't it?", and smiled. She slapped at my hand, looked me dead in the eye, and said, "Luck's got nothing to do with it." I thought she was joking, but she was not. I was the picture of shocked disbelief for a few minutes. She throws a bullet up the middle with little or no turn on the ball and thinks every time she hits the pins, no matter where she hits them or how, they should all go down.

She came to one of our 40-framers last year for the youth and once she got her lane assignment, two of the people on her pair got up and left the building. I was going to be on that pair, too, and was also going to go home when a slot opened up at the other end of the house at the last minute.



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Re: Arg...I have no patience for league bowlers like this
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2008, 11:16:10 PM »
That story is nothing short of amazing.  Thank you for the amazing laugh JessN, lol.

This past winter league I had a guy who would always always ALWAYS eat at the snackbar with his 12 year old kid.  It slowed us down to a crawl, and it peeved me like no other.  Of course the time he took the longest was the time I had the front 8.  Ninth ball I left a solid 7 pin (I'm a righty), and it sucked.  I blame him, well, because I can

lol...been there, can commiserate.

I had the front 8 last year and one of the guys on our pair was too busy trying to flirt up a woman at the bar. By the time we located him and got him back to the lanes, I'd lost whatever concentration I had and failed to strike in the 9th. I realize that's my fault for not being mentally tougher about the situation but it does amaze me that leagues have a courtesy problem to this degree.
