I had a guy for a teammate for about five years that would wait to take his daily dump in the middle of the second game sometime. Literally would have to skip him and let him make up three frames when he got back. He claimed he had a "condition."
We've got a couple of folks on our league right now who obviously take the social aspect to its extreme. We need to affix some kind of shock alarm to them to get them to quit talking and bowl.
My best single story ever, however, was last year's summer league. It's a league with a few established bowlers and mostly rookies. I don't mind the small stuff but this was too much even for me: Girl got a phone call from her boyfriend, and proceeded to talk to him FOR 20 MINUTES. It was the break-up phone call -- she dumped him over her cell phone in the bowling alley in the middle of league. Also refused to bowl in her spot until she was done talking to him. Both teams finally sat and stared at her, except for her aunt, who was her team's captain. When I tried to quietly tell her aunt that no matter the importance of the call, she needed to show consideration for the others on the league, I got bi*ched at.
So we sat there for 20 minutes. I parked myself about three feet away and just stared at her, and every minute or so she'd look around at us staring at her and give us all go-to-hell looks.
Finally, the call was over (she was crying by this time), and she gets up and intentionally throws two gutter balls, one on each side of the lane, for reasons I can't explain. THEN SHE CALLS HIM BACK.
This time, one of her teammates took the phone away from her when it was her turn, so she gives him a kill look, gets up, and pitches two more in the ditch. Her aunt, meanwhile, is busy telling the rest of the team if they don't like it they can quit.
Our league had no sergeant-at-arms and the president didn't like conflict so nothing ever got done. She didn't come back to bowl again this year, thank goodness.
Edited on 6/13/2008 6:58 PM