Richard Fitgerel won, Carl Fitek (sp?)2nd. Ron Pollard and Sean Quinn lost to those two.
I think this is correct
Here is the Cincinnati Post article
Fitzgerel takes 1st place, $50K at Super Hoinke
Richard Fitzgerel of Raytown, Mo., bowled a 234 in the 10th and final round Sunday to win the $50,000 first prize in the three-day Super Hoinke bowling tournament at Western Bowl in Bridgetown.
Cincinnati's Jason Reynolds was the top local finisher. Reynolds was awarded $3,000 as the winner of the Second Chance Tournament for runners-up.
In its 22nd consecutive year at Western Bowl, the tournament awarded more than $125,000 to top bowlers in a field of approximately 600 amateurs and non-touring professionals.
Participants from as far away as Japan, Germany and Sweden competed
Edited on 12/1/2003 12:49 PM