General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: channel surfer on June 12, 2004, 01:23:54 AM
Going off the "Hitting Your Target Post", I decided to conduct a test to see which one was more accurate, and easier to use.
I did 3 Games using boards(my breakpoint), and 3 games using the arrows.
During the games where i used my breakpoint(targeting single board), i did rather poorley, and was in-accurate. I was able to hit the board i targeted for about 60% of the time.
During the 3 games of using arrows, i was much more accurate. I shot higher games, and was much more consistent. I even decided to use the arrows for spares(i usually target at the pin), and I was better able to convert spares, espically the ten pin. I threw at the ten pin 20 times, I missed it twice. The 7 pin I only thew at about 12 times, I only missed that once(by a board).
Before I conducted this test, I usually targeted my breakpoint, which was a single board, and was further down the lane. For spares I targeted the pin, or reflection.
Using the arrows for targets was much easier than using single boards further down the lane. For now on, I am going to use this process.
(Just thought Id share this with all of you)
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I always target the dots.(or boards between them) Helps me get the ball down earlier. I used to target the pins for single pin spares too. Now I use the dots for those as well. Has really helped with the spares.
channel surfer,
All other things being the same, I think you may just need glasses.
Hitting your breakpoint assures you are closer to your target. If you can't hit what you're aiming for at 40 feet, then hitting it at 15 feet (the arrows) won't insure you are hitting your breakpoint consistently UNLESS, you wind up at the same point with your feet every time.
Realize that missing your target at 15 feet, the arrows area, will result in many more boards missed at you breakpoint, UNLESS your slide point with your foot is different. And that just confuses the issue even further.
SO I wonder if you just don't need glasses/lens or a new prescription.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
Trying to hit your breakpoint (board) down the lane as compared to hitting an arrow at 15 feet will be a little more difficult in general. First off, if I am trying to 15-5, 3rd arrow out to 5 board, I will hit 3rd arrow a lot more than I will the 5 board. Tug it a little in, you'll still hit 3rd arrow, but wont get it out to 5, maybe 8-10. Get it off your hand a little bit and same result, cept youll miss left. Then you gotta play the oil into play. If there is a burnt out spot at 30 feet on the way to you break point, ball will react off of that and not get to breakpoint but hook early. I always try to aim for an "area" down the lane. For me, I would play between 13-15 at the arrows and try to get it out to 6-8 board, knowing if I get it out to 6, it should come back and hit in the ol' swish zone, and if I hit 8 I will go a little high flush and hopefully carry. I know for me outside or inside of that wont be a good result, unless I get some "old man" carry or go brooklyn.
Just another lefty hack with revs.......
Then why do several pba bowlers aim at closer targets. I know Wes Mallot targets really close, and so does michele feldman. But trying to pick out a single freakin board 40 feet away is rather difficult.
If you hit the same spot at 15 feet, then it will be the same when the ball gets at 40 feet.
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If you hit the same spot at 15 feet, then it will be the same when the ball gets at 40 feet.
Not if you don't walk in the exact same line and end up at the exact board at foul line everytime. I believe this is one of the things that Charlest is trying to tell you. 
Retired and bowling on Fixed Income
If you hit the same spot at 15 feet, then it will be the same when the ball gets at 40 feet.
Seems like this post is turning into a “Whats the bestâ€, targeting system. I haven’t heard anyone discuss using 2 targets.
Since most people like to play around 2d arrow, lets use that as an example.
First shot, you lay the ball down on 10, cross the arrows at 10, break point is still the 10 board at 45 ft.
2d shot you lay the ball down on 11, cross 10 at the arrows, now your breakpoint is on the 8 board at 45 ft.
In both instances, you hit the 2d arrow, just different reaction on the backend.
To keep my ball on line, I pick two targets that are within my field of vision without raising my head. For example, I can use the tip of the 2d arrow and the splice on the 10 board if I want to play a down and in shot. I can watch the ball roll across both targets easily.
If you want to swing the ball more, simply target the break point with your eyes, draw a line straight back to your first target (say the 3rd arrow) and then make your 2d target the splice again on about the 12 board.
Helps keep everything lined up.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"
Edited on 6/13/2004 3:51 PM
If you were standing 45 feet from a tree and wanted to hit a knot on the tree with a baseball, what would you look at?
God Bless the USA and President Kerry 
So we should aim at the pins??
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Isnt that why they are there.... i can pick the 10 pin up all day now, just throw it straight up 20, standing on like 35-40 foot in gutter.
AIM = y2moe99
"First shot, you lay the ball down on 10, cross the arrows at 10, break point is still the 10 board at 45 ft.
2d shot you lay the ball down on 9, cross 10 at the arrows, now your breakpoint is on the 8 board at 45 ft."
SrKegler -- I think on the 2d shot you meant to say ". . . lay the ball down on 11 . . . ". Good illustration of how errors in approach or arm swing are multiplied on the lanes. A one board error at the laydown point becomes a two board error at the break point, even though the target is hit. -- JohnP
You're right John, counted the wrong way.

Fixed it. You can probably tell math is not my strong point. If I had taken a shoe off, could have gotten it right the first time.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"
Edited on 6/13/2004 3:53 PM
Then why do several pba bowlers aim at closer targets. I know Wes Mallot targets really close, and so does michele feldman. But trying to pick out a single freakin board 40 feet away is rather difficult.
If you hit the same spot at 15 feet, then it will be the same when the ball gets at 40 feet..
FYI I was not trying to make fun of you when I mentioned glasses or a prescription. That is a serious problem that many people ignore. It can make a huge difference.
It is easier to hit the target closest to you and some people do it just for that purpose. Most people change their target distance to change the roll of th eball. Targetting closer, like the dots if you're used to the arrows, will help get th eball into a roll earlier; targetting further down the lane, like the breakpoint if you used to the arrows, will add length and help you to adjust to drier lane conditions.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
I use arrows, dots and boards..... except for all different types of shots.
I like it wet...
I was jokign when i said target the pins by the way.
I understand what your saying though. It is much easier to target something much closer than something 40 feet away.
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Edited on 6/13/2004 10:52 PM
channel surfer
Posted: 6/13/2004 7:06 PM
I was jokign when i said target the pins by the way.
Got me to thinking though...why not set your eyes upon your opponent and throw the ball at him? He is the ultimate target, right
God Bless the USA and President Kerry 
Not a bad idea. Althoguh the lawsuit will be much higher than first place payout.
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