I'll never forget the first X-Caliber I saw roll down a lane. I had been throwing a Roto Grip X-3 for about a year and after seeing the X-Caliber I made a beeline to the pro shop.
My only regret was, by the time I had enough to afford the ball (I was in college at the time), I let the pro shop guy talk me into a Columbia ProHook Extreme instead of the X-Caliber. The ProHook Extreme was a good ball for me and I'm not complaining, but I never got the chance to throw an X-Caliber and now I wish I had.
The early ones, though, had such durability problems (I have yet to see one to this day that had inserts glued in that managed to have a bridge stay in one piece) that I bought the ProHook Extreme because I couldn't afford to have gotten the X-Caliber fixed.