what do you think of this arsenal? and holes? im looking for one more ball of it since i usually like to stay at 6. i have a birthday coming up and figured i would use that to complete my arsenal this winter i will usually be bowling on only house shots for highschool. but the occasional sport shot. many diff houses ranging from med to light oil to heavy oil. wood and synthetic. im thinking maybe a particle pearl. here it is
rapid fire solid 5from pap
rapid fire pearl not sure yet
street rod solid not sure yet
street rod pearl leverage
spare ball
it also doesnt have to be storm but that is what i have been matching up with best. so either storm brunswick roto and possible ebo
High Score:300(2)
High Series:766
arsenal:cell,rapid fire,vapor zone,spit fire,street rod pearl,spare ball
400ish revs:
power stroker
high track
gotta hate the 9 pin