win a ball from

Author Topic: Arsenal almost complete, need one more ball, need recomendations please.  (Read 1094 times)


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This is what I have so far.

Ebonite Predator Pursuit (medium/heavy oil)
Ebonite Primetime (light/medium oil)
Columbia 300 White Dot (spare ball)

Should my next ball be for dry lanes? I have a gyro urethane that i didn't list. I suppose i could polish that up and use that as my dry lane ball. Would that work?

That leaves one possibility left, a ball for heavy oil. Do any of you think I should get such a ball, if so what would you recommend?



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All I roll is Lane #1. For the dry, the best one would be the XXXL if they are bone dry, it's the only plastic ball with an aggressive core in it, or if they aren't that dry the XXL. For THS oily i'd recommend a Black Cherry Bomb and for baghdad oily Super Carbide Bomb. If you don't have a reasonable Lane #1 shop in your area talk to drillwizard or doug sterner on here, they will give you a fair price. You can also send them a ball you want matched and they'll drill the new one.


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heavy oil ball: warp zone, track animal, phenom unleashed, columbia hyde.
dry lane ball: track dry heat, silver streak solid, or time zone.

just my suggestions.



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Ok the polished GYRO Urethane would be a great dry lane ball.

For the heavy oil ball, unless you really need one, say you are comming accross the condition like every 2 weeks or your going to a national tournament soon, i would say to not get one.  it drives me crazy.  People go out and buy the biggest hooking ball out there and then the complain about it hooking too hard for them on THS.  So what do they do?  polish it up to make it work on THS.  then the complain about it not hooking in oil.  Basically if your going to get a hook monster then don't expect to use it every day. Personally i like these though.
Track Animal, Track Pheonom, Track Mutant, Columbia throttle, Columbia WOW (if you can find one) Columbia Alter Ego (same coverstock as the WOW) Visionary Charcoal Executioner, Lane #1 Super Carbide Bomb, and probably even the Brunswick Ultimate Inferno.  
Hope this information helps ya.
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If I buy a hook monster i wouldn't expect to use it everyday or week. Only for those heavy oil occasions.

I'd consider myself a stroker, medium ball speed although i couldn't tell you exactly at what m.p.h. i throw at. medium revs.

I like balls that hook early. Don't most heavy oil balls hook early rather than late?