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Author Topic: Arsenal help... need advice  (Read 2194 times)


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Arsenal help... need advice
« on: June 23, 2009, 07:33:17 PM »
I wanted to see what people thought of the arsenal I have and what additions or subtractions can be made.  I am a stroker with an avg speed of 15.5-16 mph and a medium rev player with a high track.  I generally play on synthetic lanes on a typical house shot but am thinking about playing at a house with wood lanes (I generally see a lot more hook from this house).  Here is what I have:

Virtual Gravity (pin up, MB at 45*)
Resurgence (undrilled) (planning on pin under w/ CG out)
Black Widow Solid (undrilled)(planning on drilling pin under bridge, MB strong)
Hyroad (pin up, CG stacked)
Special Agent (pin down, CG out 2 45*)

I know that I have a lot of solid balls and I am looking to buy an Emerald Vibe soon.  I bought the Black Widow thinking that I would probably have that and the Hyroad as my middle of the road balls.  Do any of these overlap tremendously where I should sell something off?  What am I missing in this arsenal? Any advice and help will be greatly appreciated.

Edited on 6/24/2009 12:51 PM



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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2009, 08:02:29 AM »
You would definitely want to think about a couple of balls to move down in reaction with. Maybe a couple of the mid to low price balls like the Roto Mars, Storm Fast, maybe even the Storm Natural.

This way you have a few choices if the pattern is short or your ball is reading way too early on the wood.
"Why don't you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2009, 12:01:07 PM »
Thank you for the reply.  I figured I needed something with less reaction to it.  I thought about the fast, but decided on the Emerald Vibe drilled pin under and stacked.  I think with my lack of revs that the Natural may just become a spare ball for me.  Do you see any of the balls I have being redundant?  I have a feeling that the Resurgence and Special Agent may be a little redundant in their movement, just that the Resurgence is stronger overall.  If this is so, I might try to sell either so that i could buy another ball that fills a hole in my arsenal.


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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2009, 03:47:33 AM »
Hey 300 if you do decide to sell off the resurgence, would you mind giving me a price for it. Really looking for one to add to my arsenal. The stuff I throw is 15# and I try to get the pin around 2-3". But heck, I think that any Resurgence is a good resurgence, especially for my game.

Thanks again for your time and reading this response.



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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2009, 06:14:38 AM »
There is a lot of hi end aggressive solid equipment. I would mix in a mid line solid, and aggressive pearl and a medium pearl.

Depending on the lane conditions you usually face maybe you could go with a medium pearl and a weaker pearl ball.

Depending on the league or tournament I like to have something that hooks early for heavy oil. Something that rolls a little more midlane and finishes strong. Then something that goes long and finishes very strong. Then something that goes long and has a more controllable finish.(incase of burnt backends, it will not be too over powering)

Usually two solids and two pearls. Sometimes 3 solids and 1 pearl. With the 3rd solid being something that will be drilled to be clean/long through the heads and very strong on the backends.

I also use ball speed and amount of revs to help blend the balls reactions to cover a variety of shots from playing up the boards to swinging the lanes.
" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "
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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2009, 04:04:55 AM »
Thank you for the responses. B.C. I sent you a PM about the ball.  Let me knwo if you are still interested.  

Kidlost, thank you for the advice.  Here is how I see my arsenal matching up with the set up you described:

VG - Long/clean through the heads with strong backend solid (aggressive solid)
BW - Long but controllable on the back end solid (controllable solid)
SA - More midlane read and decent backend (midline solid)

HR - Long/clean through heads w/strong backend (Aggressive Pearl)
*E.Vibe - Earlier reacting pearl for dry lane conditions (Medium Pearl)

I am considering just selling off my Resurgence since I too feel that my arsenal is top heavy (pun intended =)).  

Seems like it might be a good idea to keep the ressurgence to handle heavy oil and be an earlier reading ball and try to sell the Special Agent.  Either way, it seems that I have the solids taken care of, but need to get that Emerald Vibe.  I was also thinking of getting a second hyroad and drilling pin under.  Let me know what you think.  Again thanks for the input!


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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2009, 12:43:35 PM »
The Vibe might still be too much for dry lanes, look at a Global Link or a Roto Neptune, the link is weaker but both are defiantly good for dry lane conditions
Only throw the good stuff, Roto/Global.
#900Global #ihate9pins

DTC Pearl
Dream On
Inception Pearl x2 (Pin Up and Down)
Covert Ops
Honey Badger
Truth Pearl
Truth Solid

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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2009, 01:27:02 PM »
clt2244, what do you think of the mars or the fast?  Those two came to mind when thinking about dry lane condition balls.  I thought that emerald vibe would be a good fit seeing as I do not have many revs and medium speed.  Would the emerald vibe even be worth buying?  Thanks for the input!


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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2009, 12:12:34 AM »
the fast looks to be a little more aggressive then the roto planet line

i have a Neptune and it does hook quite a bit, at some point you can call it my benchmark ball but i will say this, if your a lower rev player, the Neptune is a good choice, i would say that my Link is weaker than my Neptune but has the same motion going down the lane

the Mars has a hybrid cover stock and i find it to be a little more aggressive than the Neptune, plus it hooks sooner than the Neptune

give the Neptune a try
Only throw the good stuff, Roto/Global.
#900Global #ihate9pins

DTC Pearl
Dream On
Inception Pearl x2 (Pin Up and Down)
Covert Ops
Honey Badger
Truth Pearl
Truth Solid

Sure Thing
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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2009, 11:54:18 AM »
thanks clt2244, I think i might do that down the road when I get some money together.  I do not hit dry lane very often because i play in a first shift league.  I find that my Hyroad is my benchmark when it comes to my current set up, but I know if I join a league at a house with old wood lanes that I will need to battle dry a lot more often.  I will look to get a vibe and a neptune.  Any other suggestions?


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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2009, 12:09:24 PM »
300 Def a good idea to unload one of the VG, BW, and Resurgence, as on a standard house shot, especially one on wood, all 3 just won't be neccessary.  You could possible get away with a medium drilled Onyx Vibe to go under the Hyroad and then an Emerald Vibe laid out somewhat weak to go under the Onyx and probably be set for the year in that wood house.  
The mars could be okay, but being a hybrid it might be too close to your hyroad.  
The Fast and Furious balls from storm do look pretty good but you just can't beat the performance of the Vibes in that price range right now.

Edited on 7/2/2009 12:12 PM


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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2009, 12:32:12 PM »
NoseofRI,  Thank you for the suggestions.  I am already setting up to sell my Ressurgence.  With the sale I am looking to buy the Emerald Vibe as planned, and for now I will pobably use the Special Agent in place of an Onyx vibe.  If i do get to sell the Special Agent, I would definitely grab an Onyx vibe to replace it.  Also, I am interested in a Neptune from clt's suggestion, but i will want to look at videos and decide after I am playing in the wood league to see if I indeed need somethign weaker than the emerald vibe.  

I would liek my arsenal to end up looking like:

Virtual Gravity
Black Widow Solid
Special Agent --> to be replaced with an Onyx Vibe
Emerald Vibe
*Neptune (if necessary)

I think that 5-6 ball arsenal should cover me for the 2 different leagues.  If i get better to the point that I woudl do some tourneys or a PBAX league, then maybe i will look into more condition specific balls... but for right now I think this might be the road I want to take.  

I am still open for more suggestions though so keep them coming.  Thank you for all the help to the folks who have replied to my thread!


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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2009, 01:36:29 AM »
if your planning on keeping the vibe then try the link, the Neptune will be weaker than the vibe but prolly wont give you a big enough drop to a dry ally ball

i noticed that your missing a aggressive pearl at the top of your bag, try looking into a cell pearl
Only throw the good stuff, Roto/Global.
#900Global #ihate9pins

DTC Pearl
Dream On
Inception Pearl x2 (Pin Up and Down)
Covert Ops
Honey Badger
Truth Pearl
Truth Solid

Sure Thing
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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2009, 06:36:09 PM »
Cell Pearl was actually something I was looking at for an aggressive pearl... How is the hook motion on that ball?  I think I am still going to go the Vibe route and wait to see if I need something for really dry conditions.  First on my list is getting the Emerald vibe then maybe and aggressive pearl and super dry ball like the link as you suggested or the natural.  For now I think selling my Resurgence or Special Agent and buying an Emerald vibe will put me on the right path, then fill the aggressive pearl and dry pearl balls in time.  Thanks for that insight!


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Re: Arsenal help... need advice
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2009, 07:43:58 PM »
The Cell Pearl is a great and is one of the most aggressive pearls ive thrown, i believe it can handle more oil than is led to believe, the hook motion is dependent on how you drill it, my friend's cell pearl is very smooth of the dry but my CP is a lot longer and more angular, its defiantly a good choice for a pearl
Only throw the good stuff, Roto/Global.
#900Global #ihate9pins

DTC Pearl
Dream On
Inception Pearl x2 (Pin Up and Down)
Covert Ops
Honey Badger
Truth Pearl
Truth Solid

Sure Thing
Black Boost
Hybrid Boost
Black Ops
Special Ops