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Author Topic: ball review spreadsheet updated to 02/2009 corrected  (Read 2195 times)


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ball review spreadsheet updated to 02/2009 corrected
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:56:42 AM »
The ball review spreadsheet has been updated to 02/2009.

The Ball Reviews sheet is a spreadsheet quick lookup chart and has over 700 balls.
The zip file has both a Excel (xls)and Open office(ods) format sheet.
and can be found here-

Click Here for BOWLING STUFF

Also these bowling spreadsheets can be found here.

Ball Reviews (SS) Bowler Statistic (SS) Bowling Grit Chart (PDF) Handicap Calculator (SS)
Prizelist Generator (SS) BracketSS (SS)

The information on the spreadsheet is from Bowling This Month (BTM) magazine from their ball talk reviews. It's just a quick lookup chart.

It's highly recommended to get a subscription to this magazine. It's about the best bowling magazine around, its geared to higher average bowler's. But lower average ones can benefit from it also. Besides ball reviews there are articles on other aspects of bowling.

This sheet doesn't include the text part of the ball review's, which has more detailed information. Such as lane conditions, drillings and comments from the testers.

See if your proshop has some laying around and take a look or see their site here.

As for the numbers
In the columns marked OIL-MEDIUM-DRY-SPORT, you see S-T-C this refer's to Strokers-Tweeners-Crankers. BTM has a ball tester for each catagory.
(stats on the bowlers can be found in the magazine)

The numbers reflect the opinions of the testers on how the balls reacted on the four different "fresh conditions".

1-3 is below average performance, 4-6 is average performance and 7-9.5 is excellent performance.

So if your a Stroker, a Tweener or a Cranker, you'll look under the listing that match's you. If your not into all the technical aspect's of balls, just stick to these numbers.

As for the other numbers basically its-

Box finish is what the Out of Box (O.O.B.) surface is from the factory.

Hook 1-100 bigger the number the more it hooks.

Backend 1-20 bigger the number the stronger the backend reaction.

Length 1-25 bigger the number the farther it goe's down the lane before it reacts.

Torque 1-10 The flippiness of the ball, bigger the number more flippy it is, smaller number the more even at the breakpoint it is.

Diff/Flare 1-10+ -bigger the number more flare.

RG 1-10+ basically lower numbers are more early revving, higher the number the ball revs later.

Load refers to how the particle content of the coverstock on Particle balls.

These numbers are how the BTM rated them and my not be the same as the ball company numbers.

As for which numbers to use, thats up to the user, Different bowlers look for different things.

Edited on 2/7/2009 6:05 PM

Edited on 2/8/2009 6:53 PM
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Re: ball review spreadsheet updated to 02/2009 corrected
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2009, 05:45:56 PM »
Thank you.


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Re: ball review spreadsheet updated to 02/2009 corrected
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2009, 07:26:41 PM »
+1 - THX
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Re: ball review spreadsheet updated to 02/2009 corrected
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2009, 02:44:28 PM »
Thank You. Great explanation of what the numbers mean.


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Re: ball review spreadsheet updated to 02/2009 corrected
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2009, 05:31:02 PM »
Thanks for updating it! I was wondering when the next spreadsheet would come out. Do you know what BTM rated the Power Swing as far as length? On the spreadsheet I saw 1.5 for it.


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Re: ball review spreadsheet updated to 02/2009 corrected
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2009, 05:45:03 PM »
Thanks for updating it! I was wondering when the next spreadsheet would come out. Do you know what BTM rated the Power Swing as far as length? On the spreadsheet I saw 1.5 for it.

Sorry that should read 12.5

I uploaded a corrected sheet.

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Edited on 2/8/2009 6:59 PM
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Re: ball review spreadsheet updated to 02/2009 corrected
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2009, 06:14:10 PM »
i noticed a few things and i know it must be hard to make such a large spread sheet BUT

some off the top of my head were the raw hammer doom OOB is 1000 grit?

and is the rating for the lane masters buzz correct? a 9 for strokers in heavy oil?

just wondering if something is screwy or not?
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Re: ball review spreadsheet updated to 02/2009 corrected
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2009, 08:04:49 PM »
I replied to your pm .

In Regards to the Buz yes that's what BTM rated it.See Page 40 of the 2006 june / july issue. The heaviest pattern they tested on was 42' oil(50 units in the center).
As for the Doom yes 1000 Grit abralon. See page 34 of the 2005 October issue.

Yes you should get a subscription, the reviews give you the oil patterns and the spec's of the bowlers who tested the balls. This and other info in there will give you a better understanding of why they rated them the way they did.

As I said-
"The numbers reflect the opinions of the testers on how the balls reacted on the four different "fresh conditions"."

So These may be different from what the company's say they are. This may be why some thing's  might look screwy.

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Edited on 2/9/2009 9:05 PM
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