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Author Topic: Arsenal - what u think?  (Read 683 times)

Inferno Man 2003

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Arsenal - what u think?
« on: March 14, 2004, 06:33:18 AM »
Hey.  I just wanted 2 get some opinions on my current arsenal.  What should I get rid of / replace?  Here is that i got.

Brunswick Inferno - drilled #2L on the Brunswick Drill sheet
Brunswick Fuze Eliminator # - see Inferno above
Brunswick Fuze Eliminator #2 - drilled #3L on the Brunswick Drill sheet, but pin closer to the ring finger
Brunswick Time Zone - drilled with pin located next 2 ring finger, cg below pin / ring finger
Brunswick Monster SlayR - pin over middle finger, cg below and to the right of the ring finger
Morich Hercules - drilled for a high track with a full roller drilling
Roto Grip Apocolypse - drilling #B on Roto Grip drilling sheet
Storm X-Factor Deuce - drilled layout #2, cg (B)
Track Crunch - pin directly beside ring finger, cg below

What do u guys think?