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Author Topic: Arsenal??  (Read 3754 times)


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« on: March 01, 2004, 04:12:58 AM »
WEll, what do all of you guys think of arsenals? like how many balls should one have? or atleast what conditons should he have? and all thta? Do you guys and gals believe in spare balls? What should an arsenal consist of? What balls do your arsenals consist of? Thnaks. Kyle

Edited on 3/1/2004 8:12 PM

Edited on 3/1/2004 8:13 PM



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Re: Arsenal??
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2004, 07:28:56 PM »
Depends roughly on the current ability/status of the bowler.

Entry level, recreational, or occasional bowlers don't need more than a single, well-fitting ball.  Even bowlers up to rougly a 150 average should stick to one ball and learn mechanics first.

As your skill increases and your average climbs - intermediate level bowlers to an average of say about 180 - may want to carry 2 basic balls.  A ball for when the lanes are hooking (less oil) and for when they aren't (more oil).  At this level, emphasis should be placed on spare making and a general idea of lane conditions and how to adjust to them.  Fiddling with 5,6+ balls isn't going to help much.

Beyond the above, it really depends on what type of bowling you're doing.  If you're a one-league-per-week house bowler, or even a twice-per-week league bowler bowling in the same house, the aforementioned two balls are likely more than sufficient.  We don't see conditions changing enough in house leagues these days to warrant the need for even 4 balls.  A straight spare ball may be the only addition you need.

The next step up, would be bowlers that bowl in two or more different leagues in different houses or are in a travelling league.  These bowlers will typically want a ball for wet, a ball for medium, and a ball for dry, and likely (but not necessarily - the dry ball can be used) a straight-going spare ball.

Next are the tournament bowlers who bowl a different house and even sometimes in different states and even different countires, every month, twice a month, or once (and even twice!) per week.  These are the bowlers who are going to see a number of different surfaces (old wood, newer wood, older synthetics, newer synthetics), lane conditions, and challenging patterns that often dictate ball selection - and knowledge of drilling and layout and how and why they will or will not work on the various condtions - far beyond "a ball for dry lanes" and "a ball for oily lanes" and "a ball for medium lanes".  Even so, these experienced bowlers may only need 1 or 2 balls to be competitive depending on their style of play.  However, when you're paying $100 (or more) tournament entry fee twice per month (or even more often) you don't want to get hung out to dry because the lanes are screaming and you didn't buy yourself that $60 weak reactive pearl.

Finally - the collectors, hobbiests (is that even a word?), and enthusiasts with money to burn.  For them, the sky is the limit and there is no need to legitimately validate another ball purchase.

Kill the back row


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Re: Arsenal??
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2004, 07:34:13 PM »
A lot depends on how much you bowl and how serious you take it.  Iv'e taken ONE ball plus a spare ball to league numerous times because I know what I'm going to see.  Then again, I have another league where I take 2 plus my spare ball.

If you're going to challenge yourself with tournaments, you'll probably need a little more than that depending on how many and how competitive you get.

A tournament arsenal can be 4-5-6 and up ......Denny Torgeson in Bowling This Month says a good tournament arsenal has 2 different shapes for 3 different conditions, thus 6 balls....Arcing and sharper break heavier oil ball, same for mediums, same for lighter oils and a spare ball if needed and/or desired.

Right now, I only have 4 balls, but will be 7 in the summer as I plan to start doing more tournaments......

Have fun, good luck and learn learn learn
Rebuilding my game one mid-to-upper-500 series at a time !!


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Re: Arsenal??
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2004, 07:36:05 PM »
Well, i am 14, avg anywhere from 150 to 170. Bowl all the time as in friday, saturday, sunday, and occasioanly tuesdays, 1 league but lots of open bowling. I go to as many tournamesnt as possible but not many. I currently own a 5 balls. For heavy, medium, light and a spare ball. I have one undrilled . I guess i ahve too many.


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Re: Arsenal??
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2004, 07:39:52 PM »
Denny Torgeson in Bowling This Month says a good tournament arsenal has 2 different shapes for 3 different conditions, thus 6 balls....Arcing and sharper break heavier oil ball, same for mediums, same for lighter oils and a spare ball if needed and/or desired.

Jeff - great point, exactly what I meant about serious travelling tournament bowlers needing to know more than just dry-medium-light.

BowlingDude300 - you don't have too many if you know when and how to use them and have a use for them.  My comments are intended to possibly help save people some money - espcially bowlers that don't bowl much outside of one house.  Do you keep a journal of what kinds of success (or struggles) you've had with your various equipment on different conditions?
Kill the back row

Edited on 3/1/2004 8:39 PM


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Re: Arsenal??
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2004, 07:47:27 PM »
not really,  i do seem to know when to throw what ball. I keep mental notes of where what ball works.


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Re: Arsenal??
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2004, 08:05:40 PM »
Just some friendly advice and it has been suggested by others (nods to mumzie, michelle) - if you decide to build an arsenal and start bowling more tournaments, consider a journal.  The more tournaments you bowl and the more you travel, the more conditions you'll see.  I'm human.  Now I know many of you probably have a better memory than me, I can't always remember which ball I had success with for game 5, 6, and 7 of that 9-game block 11 months ago (or was it 12?) in that dark-house with the huge masking units that had the very tight outside line on that heavy short oil with the weak crown after four games of breakdown.

When you're in danger of missing the cut (and a check) by 10 pins and you need to make that adjustment now and not skip a beat, your journal can really come to the rescue.  So I guess what I'm saying is, the bigger you build your arsenal, the more you might want to consider adding a $.50 notebook and an ultra-cool bowling pencil!
Kill the back row

Edited on 3/1/2004 9:01 PM


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Re: Arsenal??
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2004, 08:10:17 PM »
LOL!!, Thanks for the advice, i am a very forgetful person. I will get a journal. Thnaks again. Kyle


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Re: Arsenal??
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2004, 08:33:31 PM »
i have 3 balls, but i only bring one, because i only ever use that one ball. i can play on any lane condition and make it work, although heavy can be a task so im gonna get a new ball and get it drilled for heavy oil. u dont need a plastic ball. its very easy to straighten your shot out with a hookin ball. but if u like them then get one because they r only like $50. i dont think having a lot of balls is always good. but having 3 is probably perfect.


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Re: Arsenal??
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2004, 06:51:13 AM »
Here's my dilemma -- I'm almost through building my arsenal.  I'll have a spare ball, an arcing med./med. light, a sharp break med. and an arcing med./heavy.  When I get my Rush, I should have the ball to help me read the lanes better and get a feel for what I may need to use.  How do you decide whether to play a sharp angle or an arc angle?


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Re: Arsenal??
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2004, 07:21:18 AM »

Play what the lanes are giving you'll know, because one will carry better than the other.......
Rebuilding my game one mid-to-upper-500 series at a time !!