Just a quick update. Went to my PSO and didn't have anything mentioned above in stock so he said he would redrill my ball for free. Me and my son have almost the same span but I have bigger fingers so no plugging was necessary. My son is mad, but he will get over it when he gets a new ball very soon. Or I will just give him my tropical storm hybrid.
Anyway, the Arson Low Flare allowed me to do just what I wanted in this difficult house. Played straight up between the 1st/2nd arrow with a gradual smooth move to the pocket. Never went high the entire night. All shots were in the pocket or just a little thin. Coming across the middle of the lane in this house is a risky proposition, lots of over under and very little forgiveness for a house hack like myself.
My Arson Low Flare will stay in the bag permanently from now on. I love the control and smoothness of that ball. Not as much hitting power or carry as my other balls, but when things are tight, this ball will keep me safe.