The house I grew up in had the grease pencils and the telescore "plates" for lack of a better term. You had to wipe off the previous game markings before starting the next game.
In college, I bowled in a house that had the method I really like. They had the grease pencils and projectors, but they gave you plastic sheets to write the scores on. If you had a great night, you could take the sheets home with you as a memento. I've still got mine from my highest series. I also took the yearly award for high series in the house with that set. It's sad to think if I were to better that achievement today, I wouldn't have the actual, original score markings for the feat. Yeah, I guess I can ask for a printout, but it's not the same. I have the actual score sheet used, with all of the little markings personally added by teammates/opponents as the night went on. It's a complete document of every frame of both teams on that night. You just can't get that kind of personality from a computer print out (if you can even get one, depending on the house you bowl in).
Internet Tough Guy
Cyberspace Sheep Lover