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Author Topic: Asymmetric ball required in a PBA 6-ball arsenal?  (Read 6311 times)


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Asymmetric ball required in a PBA 6-ball arsenal?
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:50:21 PM »
I've recently been finding 6-ball arsenals among PBA stars to be fascinating because 1. They're realistically attainable (as opposed to a 48-ball arsenal) and 2. There's a lot of strategy involved to be able to conquer any lane condition when they travel overseas for WBT events. I've been seeing Chris Barnes, Mika, Sean Rash, and a few others post up their 6-ball arsenals/layouts on Facebook and Twitter.

This picture on Twitter of John Szczerbinski and Danielle Mcewan's 6-ball arsenals (minus their spare ball) for the 2013 World Cup made me reevaluate the arsenal selection you think you should have at least one asymmetric ball in your arsenal?:

(For those who are not familiar with the Storm/Roto Grip line, all the above have a symmetrical core.)

Looks like a pretty solid line-up to handle heavy/fresh to dry.

I'm quite aware that a bowler's arsenal is heavily dependent on the bowler's style/speed/rev rate/tilt/etc.; however, I was wondering if there are certain lane conditions in which I would regret and mutter to myself "should've brought an asymmetric". I'm also aware that every ball is technically asymmetric once you drill it, asymmetric balls tend to be at the highest price point for each company, and they are primarily for heavier oil conditions, but at the same time there are symmetric balls with aggressive coverstocks for heavy oil as well.

So are there any things to consider for or against an all-symmetrical core arsenal to be prepared for an unknown lane condition(s)? Any info is appreciated.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 09:53:16 PM by jlee0924 »



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Re: Asymmetric ball required in a PBA 6-ball arsenal?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2015, 08:35:53 AM »
i dont think its required. like you said most assymetrics are built for heavy oil so if you have enough hand like sczerbinski you dont really need it. i know john likes to play straighter when possible and doesnt need an asymetric core to flip like when your angles are wide open when you play in. as far as going overseas my thinking would be that i didnt know how the lanes play so ill be conservative and try to cover everything with predictable shapes like symetric cores.

when i was bowling college, i had 1 asymmetric core in my underclassman years and none in my upperclassman year. i rarely used it. it was always too over/under, too sensitive to friction, just too condition specific. but really its personal preference and how it relates to your game. i know people that wont throw a symetrical ball. they want/need a strong reaction to hit the pins  right because they like to wheel it or throw it hard or whatever.


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Re: Asymmetric ball required in a PBA 6-ball arsenal?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2015, 05:52:29 PM »
On sport patterns or regular tournament ventures I like to have a good mix on equipment. Some asymmetric some symmetric. No rime or reason to how much of either but usually close to 50/50 for 6 balls.

My biggest concern more then anything with them is surface. It is the biggest factor I have found hands down. When you have the right surface for the lane condition you are trying to play it is huge.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

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Re: Asymmetric ball required in a PBA 6-ball arsenal?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2015, 08:32:54 PM »
I could see this. Moxie, Respect, All Day, Night Hawk, King Cobra, Boost Pearl.


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Re: Asymmetric ball required in a PBA 6-ball arsenal?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2015, 07:14:45 AM »
I usually only take Symetric balls with me to tournaments that are all sport patterns, the exception for me this year is the Dream On.  I cannot get that ball out of my bag. 

Moxie, Respect, All Day, Darkness, All Night, Dream On.
All Navy bowling team 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015


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Re: Asymmetric ball required in a PBA 6-ball arsenal?
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2015, 03:24:15 PM »
I don't use asymmetric much on sport patterns.  Not so much about them needing heavy oil, more about controlling them coming off the break point.  Also easier for me to maintain lower axis rotation ( more end over end ) which allows me to play straighter.