I believe in the power of prayer.
You don't mess with God!
You don't run around yelling, hey man God's on my side I can't be beat.
That's looking for trouble, kind of daring the devil to go after ya.
All I ask is safe travel for my guys!
Justice be done for the one who stole his stuff. Justice could be him cashing better than ever before. On the other hand, justice could be the bad dude ends up in jail. Only God knows which justice fits his plan!!
My daughter has a bad dude for an internet buddy, my prayer always has been if he's as bad as I think he is, keep him away from our house. Don't mean to sound over confident in God, but a few times he said he'd visit. I was willing to let him in the house. MOst times he had bad stuff happen, either he lied or they was real. One was a family relative got shot back home in Maryland.
She's left me speak to him on the phone a few times. I laid it out, he agreed with me. Spoke of my problem relative and told him (jailbird interent friend) that he sounded just like my problem relative. She still wants to meet the creep!!!
I'd be scared to meet him in an area where I know no one. Don't trust that dude, but on the flip side, I'd let him in my door!!! May sound weird as heck to some of you out there. I got good neighbors.
When I had a bad situation, I went to those I know are good and told them if we had a lot of yelling going on call the cops right aways!! I happen to have a drunk relative who can be dangerous when drunk. I'd rather have the cops here than something bad go down in private.
Neighbor offered to come help if it happpened, he works as a prison guard. I told him thanks but I'd feel too badly if he got harmed.
Mama knows her limits and realizes I'm out of control a bit right now. Need to stay home and take care of myself. Sure am going to miss being in Towson! I'd distract to anyone there!!!
Good luck to all who go, and safe traveling folks!
Sure hope shrink gives me new meds tomorrow.
Fine line between genius and insanity. Get my best ideas right before I cross over the line!!!
Maturity is knowing you have a problem and try to fix it before it gets worse.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!