Lately, certain individuals in our local leagues have
been developing an art of average control tha is so
precise that it is becoming a major issue in our
home house and some of the neighboring houses. There
are a few bowlers who are 25 to 30 pins lower than they
should be, but are never called on it, have perfected the
art so well that it is down right sickening. Example,
he just has come off shooting his 250 plus game with his
25 to 30 pins handicap and has won doubles with his other
scamming partner. The next game, he mysteriously loses
his prior line, and goes down to 145 to 150 game.
Should the league officers or a watchdog group be
created to police this type of behavior ? How have
your leagues handled these situations with these type
of individuals. Being basically a scratch bowler, it
bothers the hell out of me. I have spoke to individuals
in my center and some leagues this person would not
walk out of the house with his two legs in place. Share
some of your stories.
To add, another tactic this guy uses is he will walk
up and down and check if his partners have anything going,
if not, he will basically stop stringing his strikes if
none of his runners are scoring.
Well, tonight I am going into a no tap tournament that
has been jokingly named after this individual because
he has won it so often, and I will shove it up this
individuals _ss, and take some of his crooked money
and send a message. Again, I would be interested in
some ways us legitimate guys have handled these type
of siuations. I would love to start a 'baggers' post
where the individual (the most extreme ones, not the
ones that suck and get lucky once in a while), their
names and home houses.