You guys amaze me sometimes. Last week I received my first ever bowling award. The simple 200 game coaster. Not only am I dam proud to own it, I am bringing it to league every week and using it. I don't care if everyone else has one or not, or if they threw theirs in the garbage, or in a drawer, or wherever. If, and when I get any patches, they will be sewn onto my buccaneers denim long sleeved shirt that I will again wear to every league I bowl in, summer or winter. What you take for granted, some of us would love to have.
Like selling off 300 rings. You see them all the time on ebay, someone on the site right now is selling one, and an 800 series ring. I could care less if I had one, or twenty, I would never part with it because it shows that I accomplished something special in a sport I love.
I'm probably gonna get a lot of flack about this but who cares. if you earn an award, don't b i t c h about it, wear it, display it, sew it, frame it, do something with it to show your pride in the sport. Don't toss it in a dam drawer. Remember those of us around that would look at those with envy, and pray that one day we will have our own.
Remember that if no one cares about a sport, what happens to that sport. Awards are a big part of bowling, one of the main reasons people bother to get sanctioned.
You can always hit em hard when you've got the balls
Lefties are the only people in their right minds.