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Author Topic: awkard lane coutesy incident  (Read 6520 times)


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awkard lane coutesy incident
« on: March 19, 2009, 06:07:24 AM »
so i was open bowling the other day with my friend. there was a league that was next to us but a full pair was between my pair and the league. my friend is interested in getting better so after we warmed up we were going to do come swing drills. we went up on the right lane (the league is on our right). i proceed to tell him "put your weight on your non sliding foot with the ball at you side." all of a sudden i hear HEEELLLOOOOOOOOOOOO. HELLOOOOOOOOO. i turn around, its this middle age bowler yelling at me to get off the approach so he could bowl. i watch him throw a ball and just laugh. the guy was just an aweful league bowler that chucks it up 10. i guess he needs 3 lanes of courtesy to throw a shot. what more funny is that the league is only allowed 1 lane courtesy so the employee intentionally set up open bowlers on the lane next to us (so there is still one lane between them and the league) just to screw with the guy. it provided entertainment to say the least.
HG:300x2(SR300 both)
2004 NYSPHSAA team champions
2007 NYSPHSAA individual high game(300) and series(1411-6 games)
arsenal: sauce rival arch rival dead flush blue vibe scout jazz SR300 plastic
sacred heart university bowling, frosh.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
p.s. go leftys



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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 02:46:59 PM »
It is very funny how there are so many league bowlers who want everyone stop so they can bowl . Been dealing with this for some time as well. We bowled last night on are mixed league and every bowler wanted 3 lanes on right and 3 on lefted before they bowled . So instead of it taking few hours to bowl league 3 games it turned into 3 1/2 hours . When will people realize that 1 lane to right and left is what should be done.
 We had same problem with a tourenment this weekend . Guys got all pissed because bowler had front 9 and no one noticed. Had to make big scene because he only got 1 lane and choked.


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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 03:35:14 PM »
I was practicing one day and there was only one other person there bowling.

There was 12 lanes between us and after a while he came over to me a complained because I got up to bowl the same time he did. told me to stop it. I looked at him told him sorry forget it, ill bowl when im ready, there wasn't 20 lane courtesy.told him go back to his lane.

after awhile he threw his balls in his bag and yelled he was never coming back to this house.

I waved bye-bye and kept bowling.
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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2009, 03:36:19 PM »
A few years ago at the Nationals, we were at least 8 lanes away from a big dog from the midwest.  He had the front four and was starting his setup routine when one of my team mates stepped up to throw his shot.  The big dog slammed his ball back down on the ball return and glared at my friend.  The big dog then proceeded to leave a 4-9 on i guess a pocket hit.  You can imagine his reaction.  Thought the whole incident was very funny.  Even though the tournament officials asked for one lane courtesy, they must have meant that it applied only to us little dogs.
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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2009, 04:04:07 PM »
I was practicing one day and there was only one other person there bowling.

There was 12 lanes between us and after a while he came over to me a complained because I got up to bowl the same time he did. told me to stop it. I looked at him told him sorry forget it, ill bowl when im ready, there wasn't 20 lane courtesy.told him go back to his lane.

after awhile he threw his balls in his bag and yelled he was never coming back to this house.

I waved bye-bye and kept bowling.

I had some dude get all bent out of shape at me because he had the front seven during league and I had the nerve to speak to him.  Hell, I didn't notice he got a whoppin' seven in a row.  He was so hostile after he missed on eight that I really thought I was gonna have to kick his butt to get him to cool it.


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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2009, 06:52:39 PM »
I had some dude get all bent out of shape at me because he had the front seven during league and I had the nerve to speak to him.
I prefer people to not tell me how many strikes I have going in a string.  I bowl better when I don't know.  I particularly dislike when the house goes quiet and only then does it dawn on me that I have a long string going.  More often then not in either case I end up psyching myself out and leaving a ten pin (or worse).  But hey, I don't go ballistic either, just kick myself and vow to work on my mental game.


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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2009, 07:09:01 PM »
I had some grossly fat woman who averaged a whopping 140 in her league complain that I was interfering with her league play while I was practicing.  Granted I was on the pair immediately adjacent to this person, but I've never given 2 lane courtesy to a league.  I was on my left lane, she on her right lane, so there were 2 lanes between us.  Somehow she believed me to be a distraction to her and let me know it.  I told her the following, verbatim as you see it:

"Ma'am, I understand more about lane courtesy than you will ever know."

She glared at me for a second and then sat down.  My belief is that she just bonked a shot and needed a scapegoat.  I just happened to be the easiest target within range.

Seriously.  If one truly wants to learn to get over lane courtesy issues, (s)he merely needs to bowl during Cosmic bowling or on a busy Saturday when there are a lot of kids in the center.


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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2009, 07:23:34 PM »
If one truly wants to learn to get over lane courtesy issues, (s)he merely needs to bowl during Cosmic bowling or on a busy Saturday when there are a lot of kids in the center.

This actually works pretty well. You are lucky to get any lane courtesy at all during these events. Does wonders for improving concentration. I try to do it a few times every year.'s fun to go bowling with some of your "non-bowler" friends once in a while.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~


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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2009, 07:23:56 PM »
I've only bowled in 1 league in my life and practiced at 3 houses, so I'm no expert.  But in my league and every time I've bowled, everyone just gives 1 lane courtesy.  It seems to work fine.  

The only thing I worry about is running in to someone.  1 lane solves that.  The alley is full of raucous beer drinkers when I play.  There are a lot more distractions than what the guy 2 lanes over is doing.  

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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2009, 07:28:40 PM »
If one truly wants to learn to get over lane courtesy issues, (s)he merely needs to bowl during Cosmic bowling or on a busy Saturday when there are a lot of kids in the center.

This actually works pretty well. You are lucky to get any lane courtesy at all during these events. Does wonders for improving concentration. I try to do it a few times every year.'s fun to go bowling with some of your "non-bowler" friends once in a while.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~

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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2009, 08:05:17 PM »
I am so thankful for the house I grew up in. Here's what it had in it:

1) Above-ground ball returns. Nothing like targeting the breakpoint and then here comes a ball flying right at you.

2) A juke box with one AM radio-quality speaker that played constantly, even in league, with the default song being a live recording of Chuck Berry singing "My Ding-A-Ling" at a concert in Japan. (Starts off with him yelling into the microphone, "What song is it you wanna hear?" and has a verse sung back to him by the crowd. Plus he was stoned off his a** at the time.) Second most-played song was the long version of Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart," and if the owner's sister was running the control counter, Chris DeBurgh's "Lady in Red."

3) Projector-style telescores, about half of them missing their retainer clips. So if you were standing within eyeshot of the screens, you could periodically see the sheets slipping off and then these huge dark hands trying to reposition them.

4) 10 lanes in the house, absolutely NONE of them with working kickbars. Meaning, you have to manually reset the lanes after every shot. At least I never got a fast rack sweep...

5) When practicing in said house, no lane courtesy. Kids all in my lane and approach. I posted a shot at the foul line once and got rolled from behind by a 12-year old who was running out a shot, tripped over the above-ground return and clipped me like a defensive back on a punt return.


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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2009, 08:32:05 PM »
See, in my league at least, we use 2-lane courtesy. There is this one old mope who looks like he's about a thousand, who just grabs his ball off the rack without looking in ANY direction other than forwards, and walks out in front of everyone.

That's my money league. The vacation league that I sub for on Sunday nights is another story. There's an ENTIRE TEAM, all family, and NOT ONE of them has any courtesy whatsoever. I subbed in this league for the first time Sunday night, and had the entire team run up on me at least twice. If it happens this week, I'm saying something.

To the OP - I would've told the mook to shut his mouth and go back to tossing his ball in the ditch, he had his two lanes.

My buddy had the front 10 and and 80 year old guy we were bowling against got up and threw 2 shots that caused my buddy to have to wait inbetween the 10th and 11th strike lol.  It all ended well because he threw the last 2 dead flush but that 80 year old might have died a couple years early if that 11th didn't go lol.


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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2009, 09:25:16 PM »

To the OP - I would've told the mook to shut his mouth and go back to tossing his ball in the ditch, he had his two lanes.

i almost did. i almost went over and asked what the problem was and after he told me i would have been like"if your mental game is so bad that you require more than 2 lanes of courtesy then i suggest you work on that a little more." or spend more time working on getting better instead of bashing me on a small issue such as over sized lane courtesy
HG:300x2(SR300 both)
2004 NYSPHSAA team champions
2007 NYSPHSAA individual high game(300) and series(1411-6 games)
arsenal: sauce rival arch rival dead flush blue vibe scout jazz SR300 plastic
sacred heart university bowling, frosh.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
p.s. go leftys


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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2009, 12:50:07 PM »
In league play 1 lane is, and should be the norm. In tournaments and the more competitive environments, it should be 2 lanes. Thats my biggest pet peeve, people that don't understand lane courtesy


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Re: awkard lane coutesy incident
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2009, 02:00:46 PM »
USBC Open Chanpoinships give 1 lane courtesy, so should all other tournaments except PBA events. Why should some local scratch tourney give 2 lanes when the biggest tourney in the World gives 1?

Like someone said, if you need more than that, you need to work on your concentration.

Personally If you are up right next to me I have no idea.
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