A most destructive type spinner is "lifted" instead of a pure spinner, which is not lifted. The "lifted" spinner is lifted with the fingers when the fingers have gotten almost to the front of the ball before releasing. A pure spinner is released on the side of the ball with no lift. The lifted spinner will have a larger diameter track than the pure spinner and be higher up on the ball. Some legends from the past used the lifted spinner. A problem with spinners today is violent reactions when transitioning from wet to dry. The more reactive the ball, the more reactive the transition becomes. A spinner automatically gets length, so can get length with a rougher finished ball then let the ball stand up. As with all deliveries, matching speed with type of delivery is desired to get good results. To sum up, a spinner is more complicated to use than a rolling ball. It takes a lot of study and practice to successfully use a spinner with today's equipment. Baker is one of a few being successful with a spinner today. I bet a lot of people would be surprised at Bakers track diameter and placement.