The above reply shows you how great a guy Barry/Nicanor really is.
I only suggested the 16 lbs because of your strength and I think it potentially (not sure) could help with that follow through problem. If drilled correctly, it should not be a problem. I also have a broken bone, in the palm of my hand, the meta-carpal, behind the pinky. Lost a boxing match with a wall at Carolier several years back. If your bone healed, you should be fine. Don't puch it one ball at a time.
Glad your flight went well.
Can't believe your own sister made you work that much and in that weather. Handymen in NJ are very expensive, as I mentioned, if you can even get one to your home. That's why I try to do every single thing myself. Still haven't gotten to those bricks on the front steps.

It was great to meet you and to bowl with you.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial FAQ